Chapter 2 ) Leaving Base.

Start from the beginning

"Dismissed," Hux spoke as he passed them, boarding the ship and finding his way to the pilot. The pilot stood in a small room, two main pilots sat upfront while two others sat at the sides to do the controls. Currently, the pilot was out of their seat and met with Hux the moment he walked in.

"Update me on our course. Any further delays to the pre-calculated time?"

"No further delays General. Our course will proceed as planned," the pilot replied to the best of their ability, trying to judge whether their responses were pleasing to the ginger.

"Good. I'll be in my quarters so send any further updates to me there. Continue." With that, Hux left the crew and walked past a few stormtroopers in the smallish corridors as he walked around, trying to find his quarters.

Once found, he removed his jacket and placed it down on the end of the bed while he lay down. Hux laid there stiff, hands clasped over his lower abdomen as he stared at the low ceiling above him. To be honest, the General hadn't slept very well in his recent months and especially the night before. So even if sleep begged for him, he refused and instead pitied himself for being on the shuttle in the first place.

The journey took 10 hours, even in hyperspace, to reach their destination. By this point, Hux had already met with the other higher ranked staff and planned a plan of action when landing.

The plan was to secure a location to set up the base. Simple in hindsight but they had no idea whether this new territory would cause problems. So, Hux made sure they were prepared for the worse-care-scenario.

So when the doors of the shuttle opened and two platoons of soldiers scattered onto the frozen planet, Hux stood just inside the ship, hand hovering over his blaster. Some time had passed before one of the higher-ranked stormtroopers came back to him.

"The area is secure, you and Lord Ren are safe."

General Hux suddenly looked behind him to see the masked man. Hux had completely no idea how long the male had been stood there but hoped it wasn't too long or he would seem off his guard. Hux turned back to the stormtrooper and nodded, exiting the ship and wrapping his arms around himself as he was embraced with the cold temperature. The general had noted the fact it would be cold, but not quite this cold.

"Start setting up base, unload the ship." Hux stood back as troops began unloading crates as Ren finally exited the ship and stood beside him. Hux had only been outside the ship for a minute or two and had begun to feel the effects of the cold. His greatcoat could only keep him warm for so long.

The general had come out of his thoughts as he saw that the stormtroopers had finished unloading the ship. He began walking back over to the ship, realising the shuttle could provide warmth. But, he was stopped just before boarding by the pilot himself.

"General Hux, we're facing some problems with the shuttle."
"What sort of problems?"

"Due to the weather, we've realised some key processes aren't working. The only way of keeping the ship running and close enough to you sir would be to keep the shuttle just outside of the planet's atmosphere. From there we can still receive your communications if you need us but I fear that if the ship remains down here for long periods, we won't be able to return to base."

General Hux furrowed his eyebrows, pinching the bridge of his nose as he then made eye contact with the pilot. "Fine. Keep the ship close and running. Now, get out of here before the damn ship blows."

"Yes General!"

It only took the shuttle a few minutes before it raised above them and flung itself away from the planet. Hux sighed, his air visible as he did so, turning around to see the stormtroopers setting up the camp.

The area they had set up in was in a clearing by the edge of a forest. It was a perfect place due to the availability of a ship landing but also keeping them hidden away. Their setup consisted of four main tents. Two for the two platoons of stormtroopers, one other for the other key staff needed and one final one for both Kylo Ren and General Hux to share. Of course, both males hated the idea. Then there were other tents for planning and dining.

Hux's eyes wandered through the masses of bodies, till his eyes landed on Kylo Ren who seemed to be giving a talk to one of the stormtroopers. Hux had been dwelling on their previous encounter, how Ren had removed his helmet and showed his face to Hux in a moment of pure rage. He also thought about how they left things off and how he feared that their next conversation may be very inconvenient.

Hux just planned to get through this next week without dying from frostbite.


Words: 1,573

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