007; crown prince

Start from the beginning

"Nice to meet you. My name is William Le Swisston Aubert Heartifilia." That's a pretty long name.. Sumi sweatdropped at the introduction but raised his hand to shake the red head infront of him, but instead of shaking the smaller boy's hand, the royal went in for Sumi's marshmallow cheeks.

"Louis Cliffard. It's nice to meet you too." Sumi said, cheeks still in the middle of being squished by the prince. His new father does this all the time so it didn't really feel weird anymore. But maybe he should feel weird- since its a stranger touching him, and all.

George glared at the prince's hand on the younger's cheeks. All he could think about is why his dear brother is here when he's supposed to play dress up and do paperwork with their father.

The prince stopped for a moment, almost in thought. Louis' face is a little bit too warm, almost like he had been in the sun for too long, which is weird because Louis has a strong ice affinity and instead of hot, its supposed to feel cold.

It came to a sudden realization to the prince that if he wanted to get to know his best friend's little brother more, he should invite Louis to do some horse-back-riding with them.

"By the way, Sir Louis, would you like to join us outside? I'm pretty sure you'll be bored in this huge place with your brother gone. Say, why wont you join us?" The royal said with his dazzling smile that made thousands of girls pass out.

Sumi was about to decline but George beat him to it. The older brother grabbed his best friend's shoulder and gave a forced-polite smile.

"I'm afraid not, Your Highness. You see, my brother is currently being punished. Infact, he shouldn't even be here talking to us." Gee, George. You didn't have to embarrass Sumi like that.

Sumi's cheeks turned pink at what George said. For some reason, it bothered him that an outsider knows something like this. And not to mention, it came out extremely wrong too!

"Oh, I see! I'm sorry, Little Louis. How about next time, yeah?" Sumi gave a small nod to satisfy the prince and bowed formally.

Sumi thinks that there is no next time because he thinks that he's grounded for life, but he didn't have the heart to tell the prince that.

Sumi turned his heels around to leave the duo- but before he could even take another step so that he could go to the garden, a gentle but commanding voice stopped him.

"Louis, where do you think your going? Go back to father's study, this instance."

Sumi pouted before turning to the opposite direction and left without saying anything. George sighed and looked at his friend. "Sorry for my brother's rude attitude, Will." The prince laughed and pat his friends back.

Them both were already close enough to address each other by their names when they're alone. But of course, to maintain their noble reputation, they had to call each other by their titles in public.

"Its okay, I dont mind. Infact, it's quite refreshing. Anyways why is he being punished?"

Sumi soullessly stared up at his new father, as Sumi sighed at the stacks of paperwork infront of him. His father had these stars in his eyes for some reason.

"Hey, LuLu. How about this pendant right here?" Byton tried to show the picture to his son, who tried to look at anything but the man himself.

Dealing with his father takes alot more energy than you think.

Suddenly, Sumi could hear knocking. His father's warm and goofy atmosphere become cold and aloof as he ordered the person who interrupted their sweet time in.

To Sumi's suprise, it was actually Maurice, the maid who he first met during his days here. Maurice is considered as one of the higher ranking maids in this house, that is why she was chosen to be a substitute for Collin's absent.

Though she is usually clumsy and nervous all the time, she performed her duties well and also had a considerable amount of mana in her.

She came in and brought a set of refreshments with some tea. Sumi frowned looking at the refreshments. Bitter melon, with some dandelion greens? Collin knows Sumi hates bitter food though..  All this doing is cause of his lovely butler..

How much longer can he suffer like this?

Sugar wasn't even provided for the tea!

Sumi nimble at the melon, still not answering to his father's demand. By the way, Sumi is currently in his father's office and literally sitting in his father's lap. The old man's excuse was because he didn't have any chairs and that the sofa was too far and that he couldn't check Sumi's work if he were to sit there.

All the small boy could think about was that the old man was a liar because Sumi saw Byton ordering the servant to burn the wooden chairs, specifically for this moment right here.

What a burden.

'Ew.. how bitter..' Is what Sumi thought, but he continued to eat the bitter food with a frown on his face. There was still no sugar, and the bitter food will worsen his mental state more. Soon, if it keeps on going like this, Sumi will be like all those average monkeys!

Him? The genius who could do anything? Who's very good at sports and could practically be a model at a young age? Become on par with an average monkey? Even if Sumi wants to become average, he didn't want his brain to be average.

Sumi squirmed a little at the thought. His father who noticed look down at him with a smile. "What's wrong, Louis? Tired? No matter how much I love you, you have to finish your work~" He scolded the boy on his lap.

Once again, Sumi ignored the older man and continued writing the stuff that needed to be written on the paper. If Byton needs Sumi to get his work done, then Sumi will get it done. But its a bit hard when you don't have the energy to do so. Nevertheless, to quickly retire to his room, Sumi will do his best to finish everything.

'Huh.. how weird. I'm feeling a little dizzy.'

"Louis?" Byton looked down, and as usual the boy didn't answer. But this time it was a little different, because his son's breathing was a little bit different than it was 5 minutes ago.

It was much heavier now.. Not to mention, Sumi's eyes were closing much more slower and his movement was a little sluggish.

"Are you sleepy? What's wrong? Tell daddy." Now his voice sounded more serious and his worries for his youngest son is more visible.

"Daddy, I feel sick.." It accidently fell out of his mouth.

His son slumped his back onto his father's chest finally closing his eyes to get some rest. The pen on his hand had fallen. Sumi could feel someone's hand on his forehead as he started dozing off to sleep. Before he slept, he heard lots of shouting.

Sumi didn't know why its such a big deal, its not like he passed out or something, he just closed his eyes and dozed to sleep because he was tired from paperwork. But he didn't want to wake up and assure them so he stayed asleep.

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