"Just to clarify, the drink menu every month will be our more popular items and the online menu has more drinks that we can make?" The girl with pink hair questioned.

"Yes. If it is not on the menu, we can't make it. Not because we don't want to, but because we don't have the supplies to do so. If a drink is highly requested a few times and is not on either menu, write it down and we can discuss putting it on our menu at a later date." He explained as he set both items back onto the countertop.

"What about the limited menu upstairs?" The same girl asked once more, causing Midoriya to stare. That must be Hatsume. He said to himself as he looked over her steam punk aesthetic. Bakugo told him a little bit about his employee's, but he spoke very highly of her.

"There will be a whiteboard that you guys will fill out every night depending on your materials up there." He replied simply before going silent for a minute to see if any other questions would arise. When nobody said anything, he pushed himself from the bar and took a step forward. "You guys look around down here and then head upstairs." He ordered, causing everyone to disburse to explore their new home away from home. Bakugo made his way to the green haired man with a smile on his face. He knew he was going to have questions about it when some of his employees gave the green haired man a confused look.

"You look so hot when you're in charge." Midoriya mumbled in embarrassment as he felt the blond approach him. He kept his gaze on his work, hiding his red face. Bakugo couldn't help but laugh as he took the empty seat next to his crush.

"So what do you think about everything so far?" The blond questioned as he watched the green haired man bookmark his current page. "Since you came to the old bar a bit, how do you feel about the new one?" He asked nervously. He had put his blood, sweat and tears into this place and he didn't want it to be for nothing.

"I think your employee's are going to feel overwhelmed the first few days, but I think it is going to surpass your previous location." The green haired man said with a smile. "How many employee's do you have?" He questioned as he attempted to count the people around the room.

"Ten, not counting me. I think it is going to be eleven by the end of today though." He replied as he pulled his phone from his pocket to see where everyone was.

"Who else are you hiring?" Midoriya questioned in confusion. The blond had already asked him to work there and he declined, so who else was needing a job?

"Dunce Face." Bakugo responded as he slid his phone into his pocket. "He never had a steady job, but he needs one. I didn't have an opening for him at the old location, but I think I can find the hours here." He said with a soft smile as he noticed his employees began making their way upstairs.

"That's sweet of you." Midoriya praised as his green eyes locked onto the red ones that he loved so much.

"I'm going to head upstairs with them. Everyone should be here in about three minutes, think you can let them in?" Bakugo questioned as he stood from his chair. He really needed to talk to his employee's about Sero and his crush.

"Yeah, that's fine." Midoriya responded with a smile as he began cleaning his stuff up.

"Alright, I'll be back down in a few minutes then." Bakugo said with a small sigh as he pushed himself from the table. He turned for the stairs before quickly heading up there to meet his employees. When he landed upstairs, he noticed everyone was standing in a circle, whispering to each other.

"What do you guys think?" The blond asked as be looked over the sea of people who jumped upon hearing his voice. They all turned to him with a guilty expression before Hatsume stepped forward.

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