Preference #1

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Scenario: You meet at a boarding school

Request: not really but the idea came from someone in a discord :)

Era: idk doesn't matter in this one




- You meet in the library, duh
- " What book are you reading?"
- " Oh uh Gone With The Wind. You've read it?"
- You both bond over the fact you have a lot of the same hobbies and interest
- Um sneaking out after curfew to hang out, yes
- Watching sunsets together
- You always being there for each other
- Helps you in class when you don't understand something
- You being a Darry sympathizer and telling Pony that he only means well
- He writes you poetry, like obviously
- Reading to each other while resting on each other
- Being a little awkward with physical affection
- His hands were sweaty the first time ya'll held hands </3


- You met during break time
- You were under your favorite tree crying and this just so happened to be his favorite spot also
- You knew him from classes but had never talked
- Anyways, he of course was kinda forced to ask you what was wrong because you were kinda just staring at each other
- "Are you uh um ok?"
- *Cries more*
- He felt bad and sat next to you and awkwardly patting your back and you started crying so much you just started hugging him and stuck your face into his neck.
-After you calmed down he'd ask what was wrong
-You explained that some girls were bothering and picking on you.
-He offered to walk you to your classes so they'd leave you alone.
-After that you two became really close.
-You two hangout at the tree when you're on break
-You read to him sometimes you make bracelets or he lets you draw on him


-You met at a school dance!
-He was at the snack table with Steve and Two
-You and your friends got thirsty so you guys went to get something to drink
-The three boys noticed you and two came over to flirt with one of your friends-
-While Two was busy making your friend die of laughter Soda was staring you down
-"And so I said- Soda are you listening?"
-"Oh uh yea sorry."
-Eventually you noticed and smiled at him and waved little
-He swore he died then
-Steve talked him into talking you
-"Hey uh I'm Sodapop."
-"I'm Y/n, is Sodapop your real name?"
-"Yep, says so on my birth certificate."
-Ya'll were laughing and giggling for the rest of the night
-He walked you back to your dorm
-Ya'll became friends after that and hangout like all the time


-Ya'll met at the dance too but it was outside
-"Why aren't you in the dance?"
-"Why aren't you in the dance?"
-After that y'all just talked about random stuff
-You talked about your friends, cars, the rich kids regular stuff
-Ya'll ended up getting in trouble because you were out after curfew-


-You met in detention
-You were helping a teacher with the detention kids but the only one there was Dally
-"I have a meeting to go to so could stay here, it won't take long I swear I'm just in the library."
-"Yes Mrs. Criswald."
-You were trying to read but Dallas kept messing with you.
-"Hey dollface."
-He had moved from the back all the way up to the front
-You just ignored him but he kept pestering you
-"What Dallas."
-"Is that your real hair color?"
-You'd sigh and answer yes
-"I don't believe you."
-"Well then it's not like I could prove it to you."
-"I mean you could."
-You slapped the fuck outta that mother fucker-
-Ya'll got to fighting
-The teacher came back and he got another week of detention
-He told the gang about you, he liked that you weren't scared of him but he wouldn't admit it
-After that he'd bother you every day <//3


-You met after classes
-You and your friends were hanging out the convenience store near the campus
-You were hanging with your friends and decided to buy a soda
-Two was there with Pony and decided to talk to you as you decided on which soda you wanted
-"Hey I like your jacket."
-After that you talked for a while boy Pony said he was going back to campus so you and Two said bye
-After that you'd talk when you saw eachother on campus
-Eventually y'all became really close

-Your friend wanted to try out for cheer squad but didn't want to do it alone, so you agreed to do it with them
-You got there and changed into clothes you could move in and went out to the field
-The football team was there practicing
-You actually did pretty well for someone who wasn't really trying
-Eventually the captain gave you guys a break to drink some water and just to catch your breathes
-By this time the football practice had ended and the some of them were coming over to flirt with the cheer leaders
-Darry had recognized you from class and decided to talk to you
-"I didn't know you wanted to cheer."
-He smiled at you and you felt you heart fall through your ass
-"Oh, I don't I'm here so my friend wouldn't be alone."
-You smiled back at him and just kept smiling
-"Oh that's nice of you."
-You guy's talked for a while but then you had to go back to try out stuff so he told you bye
-But before he walked away he asked for you number and of course you gave it to him.
-After that you guys talked all the time, it was almost nauseating how much you two talked.


Hey y'all, I hope you enjoyed !!
I'm thinking about doing an alternative to this with different meetings stories.


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