I stopped staring as I put the hankerchief again at the side of his lips.

"Aaaa ow ow ow ow-"

"Shh, be quiet phil."

"You're so rough sometimesss~" he whined which I just sighed.

Time passed by and we were done studying, we have a few minutes before class starts and philip was taking a small nap, speaking of which, this is the only time I could admire his sleeping form...he looks...peaceful.

There was not that much people in the library, just a few states and cities walking by and didn't even mind us, that's ok..as long as we stay out of trouble... also I've noticed something strange about north korea, he was usually cold and hot tempered, probably a time bomb when you piss him off. Also seeing him back up on a fight is not really like him...

I looked back to my phili- I MEAN PHIL, and slowly brushed off his hair that was covering those angelic face of his.. he slightly moved as I retrieve my hand slowly, I heared a small growl and before I know it he grabbed my hand intertwining his fingers between mine, then he slightly reached for my wrist rubbing it abit-, shit shit shit- dear mother of Buddha-

I was literally screaming inside like- I feel like exploding any minute now, am I in heaven? Is this real? Am I dreaming?

Questions has occupied my head before the bell rang signaling that the lunch break has ended, mean while philip was still sleeping peacefully and I didn't wanna ruin his beauty sleep but then again I have to wake him up even tho I won't be experiencing any physical contact with him after this..

I quickly but gently shaked philip causing for him to shot awake looking around as if he just forgot something improtant-

"I'm really sorry for waking you up phil, but class will be starting soo-" I was cut off when philip pulled my right arm as he pulled up my sleeve, I was abit confuse before I noticed his motive.

"Vietnam...why are you cutting your wrist?.." philip asked rather angrily as I didn't know how to explain myself, was he examining my wrist earlier..?I shaked the thought away as I pulled down my sleeves trying to change the topic and just get to class.

"Philip we have to g-" I was again cutoff when philip was gripping my hand, it doesn't hurt yet he looks like he's the one who looks hurt, my heart broke seeing philip tearing up, I know this was non of his business but still, I was his closest friend..

"Why...please tell me..." I felt my world crumble into pieces just by seeing philip this way... I gently cupped both of his hands as we sit again in the corner of the table.

"I guess there's no point of hiding it...." I sighed as philip looked at me with seriousness in every stare, "this was... actually a long time ago... but.." I couldn't tell it, I was so scared that he might leave me... I was scared every word I drop out of my mouth were as if needles were piercing through me.... I just couldn't bare the loneliness....being alone... all alone..

"Vietnam...?" I was snapped back to reality as my eye's were now shedding tears, I couldn't stop myself, I was so afraid of this cruel world that I wanted to leave it sooner because staying would only hurt me more...

"I-i'm sorry phil p-please don't leave me i..." I cried out as philip made his way on my side, he quickly hugged me in a tight embrace an embrace I've wanted for so long... the hug I always needed....

"Shhh vietnam please don't cry! I won't leave you and I never will! I'm sorry for asking you this... I didn't mean to bring up those memories of yours.. just please..and I beg you to never do it again..." philip whispered gently to my ear as he rubbed circles on my back, feeling as if I didn't wanna let go any minute from his embrace...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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