eclipse, her life until 10.

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there was loud crying on the streets of unova. there was two children, one a male with tea green hair and a female with dark purple hair. a male came and saw the green haired boy. he took the green haired child and just as he got the female, a khangakhan came. the male left the female baby. the khanchaskhan took the female child, the child looked at the pokemon and cooed happily at it. the pokemon smiled and put the child in its pouch. the khanchaskhan then left the alleyway and went to the port and sneaked on a boat to galar. the pokemon stayed hiden and once they reached galar she left the boat and went into a forest, a baby mimikyu and gastly followed, the young child saw the ghost pokemon and smiled and cooed happily.  the mother pokemon took the child and her young khanghaskhan and fed them, the four babys were happy. the mother pokemon smiled. she then looked at the human child. she picked up the child and nuzzled her and the baby hugged the pokemon's head. the mother pokemon smiled at the childs antics.

-a year later-

the child was crawling around making pokemon noises, the mother pokemon was growing old, the mother pokemon gather berries for the four children and smiled as they ate up. the mother pokemon then looked up. there were bird pokemon flying above head. the mother pokemon then looked back at the children. the human child giggled watching two indeedee making funny faces. the child was very happy. 

-a year later-

the child was walking around but she still could not speak. she walked around the forest in the sight of her mother. she watched all the pokemon and looked happy doing so. she saw a galarian wheezing and smiled at it and mimicked its sounds. she almost walked out of the forest but the mother pokemon picked her up and carried her into the forest again, the child looked confused about why her mother was doing that. she watched the outside world get farther and father. it started to get blurry for her as well. she fell asleep.

-a year later-

the child was running around laughing. "hello wheezing! indeedee!" the child smiled as she ran around in the forest. she laughed and jumped over a log. she got a berry and ate it. her hair was growing longer and was becoming a mess. her hair had leaves, sticks, and mud. she was also quite the mess. she fell into a puddle of mud and made a oof as a mimikyu went over her. "hey no fair! you used me as a bridge!" the child got up and ran after the mimikyu smiling. "I got you!-" the child lunged at the mimikyu but missed. the mimikyu made mocking noises and ran quicker. the child laughed and went after the mimikyu still.

-a year later-

fire. the forest was on fire. the child was getting all the pokemon out of the forest. "mom!" she went to go try and save her mom but got held back by one of the pokemon. "MOM!" she screamed for her mom, in tears. she fell to the ground crying, firemen came to the forest to put it out. one went to the child. the child moved away from the person. "hey its ok, I'm not here to hurt you, who were you calling mom?" "my mother, she's a pokemon," "do you have any relatives?" "yea, but they are pokemon." the fireman sighed. "come with me," the fireman took the child, the child's pokemon siblings followed. they eventually reached a orphanage. "whats this place?" "an orphanage. your going to be living here until you find a new home." "a new home?" "yes, you get a new family." "but I don't want a new one...." "I'm sorry kid, but pokemon can't actually be your parents."

-a year later-

the child always was in the corner. she had gained social anxiety from people trying to take her and separate her from her siblings. the kids always picked on her for being alone. a male kid came up to her and threw dirt at her. "take that pokemon girl!" the girl stiffened up and  was shaking. she had told the owners of the orphange but they did nothing. the girl was trying not to cry because the dirt stung her eyes. the male kid laughed and called her names. the girl hid her head in her knees and cried "what's wrong freak? your feelings hurt?" the kids laughed. the child got up and felt her way to the bathroom, when she was almost there she was tripped. "why me..." the child got up and finished reaching the bathroom and washed out the dirt in her eyes. "I wish you were still alive mom, I don't like it here." 

-a year later-

the girl had gotten more distant. she only spoke to pokemon. a woman came up to her. "this one. she will make a good daughter." the woman grinned and eclipse left the orphange with the woman and her pokemon. once they were at the house the woman sat on the couch and started to smoke. "wash your self and put on the outfit in the bathroom brat." the child just nodded and took a bath, her pokemon helped her and she put on the outfit after. "I don't like this outfit...." she left the bathroom and just went to a corner. 

-a year later-

the child was at the orphanage again, she had been abandoned. she wasn't social enough for the woman and was to much of a cry baby. no one ever talked to her. the child was just called freak. the child looked out the window, she was then shoved away from it. "chairman rose is coming! I heard he was bringing us pokemon!" the child stayed quiet. they all gathered in the main hall, the child stayed in the corner with her pokemon siblings. chairman rose saw and went over to her. "hello," he smiled and the girl tried to make herself smaller. "h-hello," "why are you not with the other kids?" "t-they bully me, t-they call me pokemon girl and f-freak," "well, I can't understand why they would call you that," "i-its because I came from a forest, a-a forest that burned down." "oh! your that child that clamed to have a pokemon mother," the girl nodded. "well, is it true?" "i-it is," chairman rose smiled. "I know how to get them to stop bullying you," the child looked up at him curious. "be the strongest one here, and by that I mean strongest trainer."

-a year later-

the child was 10. she was the strongest trainer at the orphanage. her younger sibling khanghaskhan had died from a illness that only happens when the baby is sepperated from its mother. the child looked out the window. she saw that the gate was open. "ginger, teleport," her gastly teleported her, its self, and mimikyu out the gate. the child then left with the two pokemon. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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