Make Dinner Special with Pork Fried Rice

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We always want varied dish for meals each and every time. A weekend often needs something delicious to be explored. You can always go for something simple, yet crispy for a change.

So, this time why not it be ? Yes, it can be amazing as lunch and dinner too. You can invite all your old buddies and enjoy having this. With easy recipe and less trouble, pork fried rice can be a promising meal to have. Just make sure that, you know each and every possible ways to prepare it. This article will serve your purpose entirely.

Come on, let us discover something new and try this in the coming weekend.

Preparing Pork Fried Rice can be easy

Overall, the procedure of making Pork Fried Rice is definitely easy and in case you are lazy in making so, you can order it right away from the from a list of Whole 30 plan meal that they offer. But, as you know, nothing can be "compared with homemade food", so knowing the process for preparing it is the best option always.

At first, take brown rice, according to your wish and let it for frying afterwards. Following that, use a heated pan to make egg omelets and use salt as well as pepper in the same accordingly. Finishing this process, use pieces of pork for cooking in the pan. Make sure that it is cooked only for 2 to 3 minutes and ensure that each and every side of these is cooked well. Then, put some more oil in the pan itself and put the vegetables there. You can use garlic and ginger too. Cook all these properly, until these turns soft enough.

As softening is done, get the brown rice in the pan and let it cook for more 2 to 4 minutes. Stir it accordingly and ensure that it turns crispy. After sometimes,as the rice gets mixed well know that adding soy sauce to this can work well. Just stir this for 1 minute and your pork fried rice gets ready to be served.

However, you can also get this fried rice delivered in your home with the services of Chicago Meal Delivery.

Fried Rice – Loaded with proteins

Fried Rice when added with pork, seafood and beef contains enormous proteins. They contain vital proteins collagen and can be tasty as well, when added with the brown rice.

Making Pork Fried Rice eggless

Now, in case you don't prefer eggs or gets allergic to it, then you can obviously make Pork fried rice without eggs. You just need to do the entire process of adding pork pieces and veggies to the brown rice and leave it that way.

It will taste good too. However, you can try this recipe as it doesn't take much of ingredients also. But, in case you wish to have something from outside then the Home Delivery meal Chicago is there for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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