Chapter One

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You stand in front of the massive building in awe, as it towers over just about everything else in its vicinity. Hope's Peak Academy. Only the most talented high schoolers, known as ultimates, had a chance of getting accepted into a place like this. Taking a deep breath, you held your head high and made your way into the school, immediately searching for your classroom. Today was your first day.

As a reserve course student.

Despite not having an actual talent, your parents were still proud of you regardless. You think back to them rejoicing at the sight of your acceptance letter, going on and on about how proud they were. It really wasn't that huge of a deal to you, but you were glad your parents were super supportive.
If I was an ultimate, what would I be?
You ponder this as you stare off into space through a nearby window. The idle chatter of other students fills your ears. It would definitely be a good idea to get to know your classmates, but you just didn't know where to start. That's when the bell rang. And what followed was several hours of nothing special.

Lunchtime. You head to the dining hall and get some food. It looks way tastier than you expected. You turned around to look for a seat, but the room was overflowing with students. Ultimates and non-ultimates alike. Glancing around the dining hall, you couldn't see a single empty table. You decided to just go and eat outside.

You walked around the outside of the school and eventually found a spot on the bleachers by the track. Although you missed your friends from your old school, you were fine eating alone. As you ate, you couldn't help but listen to a conversation nearby...
"Are you excited for the new school year, bro?"
Two boys were sitting in a lower row. One of the boys had short, black hair and unnaturally large eyebrows. He seemed to really be looking forward to this year. The taller boy sitting next to him who had a long pompadour seemed to be the opposite.
"Not really, bro. It'll be just as boring as the last."
"Be more positive, bro! I'm sure this will be an amazing year!"
The black-haired boy put his arm around his taller friend.
"Especially when we have each other."
The boy with a pompadour smiled and patted his friend on the head.
"Heh, that's right, bro."
"But of course the most important thing is to devote yourself to your studies and put in every ounce of effort possible!"
The boy with a pompadour groaned. "I fuckin' hate studying. I'll never be as smart as you, anyway."
"It's okay, bro! I can help you whenever you need it!"
"Thanks, bro!"
"No problem! I want you to succeed this year!"
Their conversation fizzled out, and the boys resumed eating their lunch. You were impressed by how strong their friendship was. This just made you miss your old school even more.

Before you knew it, the final class of the day had ended. Of course you weren't able to befriend all of your classmates in one day, but you have plenty of time to get comfortable with your new surroundings before opening up to them. After all, you probably aren't the only one who's new here. You nearly got lost in the crowd of students huddling at the door. Carefully making your way through, you finally reached the exit. You headed back home, awaiting the excited looks of your parents. That's when another nearby conversation caught your attention. Except this one didn't seem as friendly as the one from earlier.

You noticed the same two boys from lunch. The boy with a pompadour was glaring at another boy you didn't recognize. He had blonde hair, wore glasses, and had surprisingly long legs. In the distance, there was a girl with round glasses and long purple braids who seemed to be watching them from behind a bush. The boy with a pompadour scowled.
"Can't you watch where you're going, asshole?"
The blonde-haired boy crossed his arms and gave him a disinterested look.
"You're the one who decided to get in my way, plankton."
"Such an insignificant, minuscule creature. Serving no purpose other than to waste everyone's time."
"You piece of-"
The black-haired boy grabbed his friend's arm.
"Mondo," he said firmly.
The boy with a pompadour, apparently named Mondo, turned towards his shorter friend. His gaze softened.
"I'm not going to let you get yourself into trouble."
Mondo seemed to relax at his friend's words.
"Taka," he said softly.
"As for you, Byakuya..." Taka advanced towards the blonde boy and pointed an accusatory finger at him. "You have absolutely no right to say such cruel things to my friend!"
"You're even more of a nuisance than that brute. Just shut your mouth," Byakuya replied coldly.
Before Taka could react, Mondo lunged at Byakuya.
"I'm gonna kick your ass!"
The three of them turned towards you. You weren't sure why you decided to step in, knowing how dangerous it'd be, but your body had practically started moving on its own. You stood firmly between Mondo and Byakuya, the two of them towering over your much smaller figure.
"You guys don't need to fight over this."
You looked up at Byakuya.
"All you need to do is apologize. I'm sure you bumped into him by accident, so there's no need to get violent."
Byakuya scoffed. "As if I'd waste my time with you commoners any longer."
And just like that, he walked away. Unsurprisingly, the girl with braids immediately passed by and made her way down the same path as him. Yep, she was definitely following him.
"Tch. Whatever," Mondo said under his breath. He and Taka walked away together.
And that concluded your first day at Hope's Peak.
Who knows how tomorrow could possibly go?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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