chapter 1

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'At a time in the world where things were feeling less and less certain there was one thing you could always count on... The Heroics. Our planet team of superheroes. And our heroes... never failed '


"Sorry I'm late " tech- no said flying up to Miracle guy " I had to put the ISR synthetic aperture together "tech- no explains to him

"Let's just hope it's more than just a downed satellite. "

"So the whole team can spring into action."tech- no guy jokes .

"Let's not. " Miracle guy said while tech- no guy  takes a puff of his inhaler. "Be careful with that thing "tech- no said "when am i not careful " miracle guy asks ,then flys off.

"All the time "ssid shaking his head

"Hey tech- no " miracle guy asks " what's up?" Tech- no asks slightly annoyed "the solar array, it's blown to bits." miracle guy says little concerned.

"There's something coming,a spaceship of some kind " he explains though comms "it just blasted come kind of energy ray at me . Do these clowns not who I am ?"Miracle guy brags

"I don't mean to be a nudge but any idea how this'll take? "tech- no said "I'm running on fumes."

Miracle guy took out his selfie stick and flexed his arm "just a quick selfie before I stop this thing-"

He turned around by something flying
"wait a minute, there's not one ship there's a whole armada out here"

"Funny if i didn't know any better,I'd say sound a bit worried "tech- no said and then timer started beeeping ."miracle guy?"


"H-base come in , this is tech- no! Miracle guys been hit!"

"Hit with what " someone from h-base said

Tech- no ignored him and flew up to catch miracle guy "he's barely conscious"

"Miracle guy is barely conscious " the asked in disbelief

"Have a catcher ready! " tech- no response quickly ,hearing the frantic beeping coming from his backpack "I'm out!" He says over comms and then groans from him falling

' thais was the day are heroes fell.

All of them

but from that...others would rise .

We Can Be Heros. /wildcard love story حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن