1 // Eavesdropping

228 8 3

~Your Perspective~

"🎵I've lost my cool, I'm not sure how to act... Not even sure how I can keep my pride intact...🎵"

The playlist is titled "My Future Love". I started playing it some time ago, just humming along to the beat, mumbling phrases of songs here and there. I lay on my bed with my phone in hand, texting a boy I met online, Tadashi Yamaguchi. I ask him how his day was, and he tells me a few stories, most of them including another boy he seems to hang out with a lot. He returns the question, and I give him a brief overview. I'm nearing the end of summer break with about two weeks left. I stayed at home all day today, though. I decided today was going to be all to myself. I look at the time on my phone, 11:32 PM. Goal accomplished.

Yamaguchi: Is anything new with your family?

Me: Well, my sister and I decided to join forces to pay for a fish tank. Not very exciting lol, but I'll be sure to send you pics when we get it. :)

Just then, I receive a text from my sister.

Big Sis: Y/N, come to my room and don't make any noise.

I swipe the notification away.

Me: Sorry, Yams. I gotta go. Maybe my sister knew I was talking about her. She's summoned me to her room. Wish me luck...

Yamaguchi: GOOD LUCK!

I smile at my screen, pause the music, and turn off my phone. I slowly sit up on my bed, trying to make as minimal noise as possible. I stand up and start down the hall towards my sister's room, taking small steps. As I enter through the door, she looks at me with a confused face.

 "Wha-" I begin to say, but her eyes shoot wide open and she puts a finger against her lips, signaling for me to shush. With her other hand, she waves me towards her. She puts her ear against the wall, and I copy her. I can hear my mother speaking through the wall.

"I know they won't have much time to adjust before school starts back up again, but they're old enough to handle it. They've been in this house for almost their entire lives, and they could probably use a change. Plus we'll be closer to you," She pauses.

I can hear a second voice over the phone, but I can't tell what they're saying, or who it even is. I look toward my sister with a confused face. She mouths the name "Keishin"... "Like, our uncle?" I mouth. She nods. I focus back in on the conversation happening in the room next to me.

"Hey, thanks for letting me know about the listing. I was entertaining the idea of possibly moving, but I didn't think it would actually happen. Especially not so soon." My mom pauses again. "I'll tell them tomorrow... Well I don't know exactly when, Keishin! It's not like I'm going to wake them up now and say 'Hey kids, guess what, we're moving to Miyagi!' " She sighs. "Alright, thank you again. Love you, buh-bye."

My sister and I back away from the wall. I turn my head to look at her, and she's grinning ear-to-ear. I must say, I'm not quite as excited as she is. In all honestly, I'm a little bit scared. Like my mom said, I've been in this house for almost my whole life. It'll be nice to go somewhere new, but I don't like that I'll have to leave this place behind. I pull out my phone and text my sister.

Me: I'm going back to my room...

Big Sis: Loser, we can talk more about this tomorrow morning, kk?

Me: Sure, thanks for making me come in here. Night, love you.

Big Sis: Love you too, sleep well!

I look up from my phone to see her face, still beaming. I nod in her direction and quietly make my way back to my room. I lay back down in bed and get comfortable directing my attention back to my phone. I open the messages between Yamaguchi and I.

Me: I'm back

Yamaguchi: What was that all about?

I can't decide if I should tell him, seeing as I'm feeling uneasy about it.

Me: Nothing important

Yamaguchi: Oooookayyyyy... it's getting pretty late.

Me: I guess

Yamaguchi: Are you sure it was nothing important?

Me: A trillion percent, why?

Yamaguchi: Idk, you're just texting weird. Like how you do when you're nervous for a test.

Me: Can you call?

Yamaguchi: Ofc

I tap on his icon, which sends me to his contact. From there, I press the call button. He answers extremely quickly.

 "What's up?"

 "Well..." I'm already trailing off. This is so stupid. "So, my sister texted me to tell me to quietly go to her room. What I didn't know is that we were going to be eavesdropping on my mom." I pause.

 "Go on...." He says, he seems to be pretty interested.

 "Well, she was telling my uncle 'Thank you'... for telling her about a listing. Like, on a house....." I trail off again.

 "Wait, so like, you're moving?" I tell him yes.

 "That's awesome!! Are you excited?" I don't answer, which is an answer in and of itself. "I don't want to be intrusive but... why not?" He asks.

 "I don't know..... I guess I'm just.... scared? I've never moved before. Well, not that I can remember. I just don't want to leave this house... or my friends...." My voice gets quieter, as I begin thinking about all the changes that will happen. I'll have to make new friends, meet new teachers, learn a new school schedule, the list goes on and on.

 "No matter where you are, you'll always have me as a friend. Do you know where you're moving to?" He asks.

 "I don't remember the name of the city, but it's about 5 hours away from where I am in Tokyo," I yawn and check the clock on my phone again. "Oh shit, it's super late. I'm sorry again Yams, I gotta go."

 "It's alright! I'm glad we could talk for a bit. I'll text you in the morning, sleep well!"

 "Thanks, you too. Goodnight."

 "Night!" He says, I can practically hear him smiling through the screen.

I end the call, turn my phone off, and slide it under my pillow. I struggle to sleep because of how much I'm thinking. 'I wonder if I'll make new friends easily... I know for sure I'll stay in touch with Kenma and Kuroo..... I'll probably get the occasional unsolicited text from Yamamoto... I really hate thinking about that in a comforting way....' Before I know it, my thoughts turn to mush and I doze off.

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