Start from the beginning

She bit her lip, preventing a smile from escaping her mouth. She loved the fact that Draco really attended classes, her plan worked. He advance towards her, eyes glaring at Hopkins. He placed a hand to her shoulder then spoke with such vexation,

“Hopkins if you don't want to end up in the Hospital Wing I suggest you go back to your respective seat before I fucking make you”

Diana snap her head at the brunnete boy in front of her, he had his mouth wide open and his eyes were filled with fear. She felt bad but at the same time she wanted to laugh, they are so scared of Draco for no reason. Maybe it's because he's a bully and perhaps because of his father.

She wondered if she's the only one not scared of him? She shook the thoughts off, remembering that the Golden Trio were not scared of him including his best mates: Theo and Blaise. 

His hands trembled and Wayne Hopkins Immediately scurried away to his seat with such frightness planted across his face.

“Look who's attending classes” Diana jeered and looked up to Draco. He placed his book bag down her desk before grabbing a chair somewhere and sat right next to her, ignoring the class seating arrangement.

“Draco, you do know we have seating arrangements right?” Diana asked

However Draco only swung his left arm around her chair and leaned his back against his own seat before taking his right hand and gripping her jaw to pull her in for a kiss, shutting her up.

His lips met hers and she tried to pull away because everyone in the class is probably watching, but it only made Draco kiss her even more passionate.

And by the time he was satisfied he pulled away, smirking at Diana while the raven haired girl was flustered and a bit frenzied by the bold act.

She glanced around and notice some eyes were on her including Granger, Parvati, Hopkins, Terry Boot and a couple of others. The embarassment was making her toes curl and her skin crawl.

Draco liked the fact that he was owning her in front of everyone, he doesn't like sharing his posession and he definitely doesn't like it when they try to get close to hers. He was mad when he heard someone was hitting on Diana, it made him go ballistic but he was able to control himself.

Diana bent her face down on the table, her cheeks went red like a tomato. Draco did attend his classes however she should've seen that his possessive attitude was rather untameable.

Right in time, The tiny professor came hurrying inside the classroom. Professor Flitwick climbed on top of the wooden podium right next to the white board and started dicussing.

“.... Transfiguration is a bit harder than Charms but that doesn't mean you give no attention to this subject...” The professor started yapping.

Diana glanced at Everyone and notice a downcast expression, she figured it must be because of the news going around with the dark lord. Everything was just a bit gloomy.

“... Now the Mending Charm....”

She felt Draco tensed up right next to her, she whip her head to his direction and notice his eyes looked almost alarmed and totally concentrated to the tiny Professor by the mention of the Mending Charm.

She placed a hand on his knee, earning his attention. “You alright?” she queried, his brows were knitted and his face shows a wee bit of stagger.

He looked straight at her eyes and took a deep breath “Just something on my mind about mending things” then he shook his head before listening to the discussion again.

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