Ozai did not care. He had almost all but given the Southern Water Tribe a death sentence.

Katara had not even been allowed to attend the meeting where he'd declared this. Ozai was 'disgusted' by the look of any Southerner after one such 'broke his son's heart', which was a bold lie in every way. He had been looking forever for reasons to hate Katara and her people and, frustratingly, Sokka had given him the perfect one.

Lu Ten and Zuko had objected, as well as a few Fire Sages. This was expected. Unexpectedly, both Hahn and Arrluk had voiced their disapproval of the plan too, citing that this wasn't fair and coming to Katara's aid, but apparently, Ozai had already made up his mind. The 'meeting' was more procedural than anything - Ozai had little interest in being swayed. Katara had not been invited to this meeting.

"Thanks for trying," Katara told Arrluk, sighing.

"Will your tribe be okay?" Arrluk asked. "I can write to Chief Arnook and tell him to help! We can send food, now that our tribes are talking again. I'm sure he'd-"

"Don't give yourself a reason to be hated by the Fire Lord too," Katara winced, but was warmed by his sense of kinship. "We'll survive. We always have."

Though, she could not be entirely sure of this herself.

"Fucking sucks." Hahn shook his head. "I swear Ozai gets off on power, you know?"

"You're just figuring that out now?" Katara couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Any news on Sokka?"

"No," Arrluk frowned, "He's alive, I guess, but that's about all. We tried asking."

She had expected as much but still felt a stab to her heart at these words. She sighed, shaking her head before looking out at the garden before her. She'd felt so stifled in her room and she had to escape somewhere. These gardens were hardly used, especially with so few girls left in the competition, but the cool breezes still did not help her the sense of dread that thudded in her chest.

As the trio of Water Tribe members sat, someone passed by on the breezeway. It was the daughter of a politician, giggling with her friend. When she saw the three, she spat a nasty word, directed at all of them. Katara was not completely knowledgeable of her Earth Kingdom language, but she understood the idea of it; cheaters, dishonorable, scum.

"You two should go. Any more associating with me and you'll just bring a headache for yourselves."

"Won't make a difference." Arrluk winced. "We're both Water Tribe. Doesn't matter which part of the globe we're from. We've always been looked down on. This has just...exacerbated it," he explained. "And I'd rather be called that name rather than act as though I've forsaken you and Sokka."

"But we probably should go." Hahn nudged Arrluk. "Not because of that bullshit, but we have that meeting. With Pakku."

"Right," Arrluk nodded, "Will you be okay?" It seemed everyone was asking her this these days.

"I can handle myself," Katara said lightly. Arrluk looked ready to say something more but shook his head.

"Find us if you need us," he mumbled, and Hahn gave a short salute before the pair left.

She hardly had enjoyed a minute of silence when she saw Zuko's tall figure coming quickly through the gardens toward her.

"Katara, we have a problem."

Katara motioned for him to sit. "Zuko, you say that as though having a problem is an uncommon thing. When don't we have a problem?"

She was pleased to see Zuko smile and chuckle, a momentary respite from whatever was bothering him. "True," he agreed, but then his face darkened once more. "But when I say we have a problem, I really mean it."

The Warrior's Gambit (Zutara)Where stories live. Discover now