"I see." Alice said evenly, "I'll go let Turtel now." Her blue eyes were narrowed and her face turned into a frown.

Before she left Flare spoke up once more, "Uhm, is it okay if I stay up here? I don't want to-"

Alice blinked in understanding giving the older girl a small hug. "Don't worry about it, you don't have to worry about it. We'll take care of it."

"Thanks." Flare breathed out, putting her head in her hands. The girl heard Alice shut the door behind her, the girl moved the article to a side of her desktop and she practically sprinted to the door and locked it tight.

A small groan escaped her lips as she rolled her head, cracking her neck. "Fucking hell." As she walked back to her desk she grabbed something out of her hoodie pocket. A small package of cigars lay there, taking one out of the package she grabbed a lighter sitting on her desk and lit it.

She took a breath and lifted the cigar to her both, she breathed a drag of it before exhaling smoke. Her lungs burned but she was used to the sweet delicious pain that it gave her.


Alice glanced around the living room before finally spotting the leader, carefully making her way over she bent down next to Turtel. "There's a traitor." Alice whispered in their ear glancing around carefully.

Turtel's face hardened glancing around the room carefully, tilting their face towards Alice they whispered back, "Who and why."

"Beano- Flare found an article showed it to me." Turtel let out a thoughtful hum thinking for a moment.

"Is it legit? Not forged or anything?"

"Legit?" Alice's eyes narrowed suspiciously, "What? You don't trust her? Of course it looked legit it was on one of the black market forums."

Turtel waved her hand as if to dismiss the tension. "Of course not, just a bit disbelieving. Hard to believe one of our own would betray us." Turtel murmured.

Alice gave a little scoff, "We knew it was bound to happen one day, this is the world we live in. Only trust yourself and those who are like your own flesh and blood. I certainly trust Flare much much much more than Beano. So what are you going to do that leader."

A small glare was shot at Alice, a warning per say. The word that weren't spoken passed between them as Alice stalked away her hands clenched into fists. Turtel rolled their shoulders make and made their way over to Ukiy. Bending down they quickly whispered something in their ear and then repeating the same process to Pyro.

Both of them quickly went to do their separate things as Beano raised an eyebrow at their odd behavior. The girl turned to Turtel and gave a small laugh. "You got a secret mission for me too boss?" She asked glancing up from her book.

Turtel gave a small chuckle before sitting down across from Beano, "If you count them getting food and drinks a secret mission then no. How's your day been?"

Beano let out a small groan sinking further into her seat, "It was horrible. Stupid clients being picking with what they want."

Turtel picked at their nails glancing at the younger girl. "Well I'm sure it will be all over soon. Be at peace yeah?"

Beano let out a small hum, looking back down at her book. The floorboards creaked as Ukiy re-entered the room, two drinks balanced in their hands. Their gingerly passed one to Beano, their smile not quite reaching their eyes. Although Beano quickly brushed it off and took a sip of the liquid swashing around. She didn't notice the small smirk that grew on Ukiy's face as they handed Turtel their drink.

A couple sips later and Beano started seeing dark spots in her vision. Gently closing her book she stood up shakily and placed down her cup. "I'm-" She swayed for a bit, "I'm going to go to my room." She slurred taking a step forwards and crumpling to the ground.

Before she fully passed out she heard the haunting words of Ukiy, "Night night~"


Beano groaned slowly peeling her eyes open. Her head throbbed so so bad. Why couldn't it just stop. Blinking a few times the brunette regained her bearings. She was sat in a bloodstained room, a boy with short crimson hair and piecing green emerald eyes stood in front of her.

"About time you woke up." Pyro said smirking and pulling on Beano's hair to make her tilt backwards. "We are going to have so much fun~"

"The fuck am I doing down here Pyro?" Beano's face twisted into a snarl as she glared at the tall boy. "I haven't done anything wrong."

Pyro stared blankly at Beano but he laughed. He laughed. Something so cruel and sinister. "You can't seriously be asking that." He howled out. Pyro shoved knife that he was twisting he his hand suddenly found itself buried into Beano's forearm.

The girl yowled in pain, attempting to jerk away from the man. Blood poured out of her wound and tears pricked at her eyes but she didn't dare let them fall. That showed weakness, it would only bring him more satisfaction and her more pain. "I don't know what the hell you are on about but I've done nothing."

Pyro tossed another knife into the air, catching it with his left hand. "You are a liar through and through huh." He brushed his long bangs out of his eyes and stared into Beano's blue ones. "You thought we wouldn't figure it out huh. Thought you were sooooo sneaking."

"Pyro I don't know what the fuck you are talking about. This is a mistake." Beano whimpered a small cry emitting her as another knife pierced through her skin. This time by her right shoulder. "I haven't done anything to betray you guys. I never would." 

Pyro's emerald green eyes hardened as he stared blankly at her, "How much do I have to hurt you until you give up the facade." 

"Until I die." Beano spat out, "Because there is no facade. I'm loyal through and through I wouldn't betray the-" Her words came to a half as a bang echoed around the room.

Shakily Beano looked down and saw blood pooling out of her chest and Pyro with a smoking gun. "How- how could you." Beano choked out black spots dancing around her eyes as the tears she held in finally started spilling. She didn't want to die.

"Simple really." Pyro stated staring at her emotionlessly. "You said 'until I die' so why bother wasting time if you won't admit it." A cruel laugh left his mouth. "Any last words?"

Beano's head fell limply against her chest, lolling to the left. "Burn in hell." She spat, blood coating her tongue as she struggled to breathe.

"I'll see you there." Another bang sounded as Beano took their last breath. A dark laugh came from Pyro as he examined his work, his oh so beautiful masterpiece. He lay he gun on the table and walked towards the cellar door. He took one last look at Beano before he left the corpse of her tied up and rotting.

"I love painting with the colors that you give me."

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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