"Thats the thing. I would have to go alone."

"Oh ok then. For how long?"

"It would be a 7 week tour."

"7 fucking weeks! Thats so long."

"I figured you wouldn't like it. I'll just tell him no forget about it."

"No say yes. It would be amazing for you to get to meet the people who's lives you've changed." I cant let him miss out on an opportunity like this.

"Are you sure? That's a long time away and you would be alone in the apartment."

"Can we talk about this when you get back. I've got work to do and im sure you do too. Just say yes."

"Are you mad at me or something?"

"What. no im not mad i promise. Im just busy thats all."

"I'll be home soon." I end the call and focus my attention back to my work. Not even 10 minutes later haridn walks through the door.

"I can tell your mad at me whats wrong." He takes off his jacket and collapses on the seat next to me putting his arm around my shoulder.

"I told you im not mad. Im fine I promise you."

"Are you sure?" I close my laptop and turn to him

"Yes." He kisses me lightly and gets up to go to the kitchen.

"Ok I lied." I sigh.

"I knew you were lying to me. Whats wrong." He sits down next to me again this time pulling me onto his lap.

"I just don't know how I feel about being away from you that long. 7 weeks is a long time and I cant help but think to myself you won't come back." I look down playing with my fingers.

"Baby ive told you so many times now that Im never going to leave you. I love you too much. I'll always come back to you one way or another." He brushes the loose strand of hair on my face behind my ear.

"You promise" I can see him smiling at me out of the corner of my eye.

"I promise. I still have that promise to keep as well so im not going anywhere." He twists the promise ring he gave me on my finger. I smile at the memory of him giving it to me. One of the best nights of my life.

"When would you leave?" I look up at him.

"In around a month or so. They still have to finalise the copies and print them and I have to pick a name a cover and then announce that I will be doing a book signing tour. Vance wants me to pick some places to go. I have no idea where though."

"Can I pick?" He frowns at my odd request.

"I mean sure if you want.Why though?"

"I dont know. Something for me to do i guess."

"That bored huh?" He nudges me

"Um ye actually it is pretty boring here. Sitting and working. Eating. Watching movies. More eating." I smile at him.

"I can think of other ways to occupy you." He looks up at me with hungry eyes.

"I know you can. Its wether i choose to let you or not."

"What if I don't give you the option." His hand moves to my thigh. I raise my eyebrows at him

"I dont know i mean im sure I will love every second of it but I think you forget sometimes how stubborn and head strong I can be. After all I do wear the pants in this relationship."

"Ha that was hilarious. Your joking right." He laughs.

"And what you think you wear the pants?" I turn to face him more putting my legs on either side of him.

"Yes actually. I've always worn the pants in this relationship." I find it humorous that he thinks this.

"Are you nuts."

"I dont think I've ever heard you say no to me." Im jogging through my mind a time when I said no to him.

"Ive said no to you plenty of times. Your the one who can barely contain yourself when I touch you. I have the most control in this relationship because you cant control yourself with me."

"Is that so." His hands snake around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"So even when I touch you" his fingers graze up the back of his shirt that im wearing towards my bra strap unclipping it smoothly. He uses his other hand to run his fingertips up from my ankle to the top of my thighs. His hand rest near my ass.

"Your still in control?" He whispers in my ear. I lean down to his mouth leaving it open for his own access. One move forward and our mouths will meet but I want to prove a point here. I pull away and move down to his ear.

"Are you?" I gently bite on the side of his earlobe before moving down to his neck leaving my mark there. I can feel him hard as a rock underneath me. Its wether he gives in and makes the move to take this to the next level that will prove my point. I push my hips against him and suck at the sensitive skin on his neck feeling his pulse quicken against me. I smile against his skin before moving back up to look at him.

"This is killing you isnt it." I whisper inches away from his mouth this time gently grazing his bottom lip with mine. He doesn't make the move so I take it a step further. My hands move under his shirt feeling his hot skin. My nails brush against his lower stomach resting just above his jeans while my other hand moves around to his back. My breathe is light in his ear purposely keeping my hands on him and my hips pushed against his lower domain. The thin material of my panties underneath being the only thing I'm wearing. My face moves back to his and I just look at him in the eyes our lips breathing eachothers breathes in. I move my hand lower over his crotch palming him through his jeans. He gulps at the contact making me smile. I know he will give in and it will please me very much making my point clear. His hand grabs mine moving it away. He grabs me by my hips flipping us over so he's hovering over me. His breath is heavy and I move my hands back under his shirt clawing at his back.

"Kiss me?" I whisper slightly touching his lisp at the movement of mine.

"I hate you" he shakes his head gently before covering his mouth with mine, my breath hitching at the back of my throat. He suprises me when he takes my bottom lip between his teeth bitting slightly. His tounge enters my mouth lapping with mine. I graze my tounge with his lip before pulling away and getting up off the couch leaving him there in a panting mess.

"Where the hell are you going?" He looks at me desperately.

"For a shower.Alone." I pull his shirt over my head leaving me in my bra and panties. His eyes move up and down my body.

"You can't just leave after that show you just put on. It was fucking torture" I smile at his unfortunate situation down there.

"Patience is key and the more I make you wait and torture you the better the sex will be."

"That didn't stop you from trying last night."

"Thats because I couldnt think. You were too busy being you with your amazing hands." His hands truly are magical.

"I dont think you can go a week without having sex even if you tried. I'll make it my new mission. If you win and get through the 7 days then I will take you out on a date wherever you want. If I win then I dont get anything besides the amazing sex that will come with it."

"I have a better idea. If you win then I will take you shopping and you can buy whatever you want for me to wear. Suprise me." I nod at him before walking into the bedroom to take a shower.

"Oof you shouldn't have done that. YOUR GONNA LOOSE!!!" he shouts from the living room.

Im sorry its a day late. Im gonna get back into my routine properly of updating on Fridays and Tuesdays. Happy New Year!!! Hope 2021 is better than 2020. -Anna

Hessa.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora