"Where did the Pharaoh and guards go? It's almost as if the Earth opened up and swallowed them in," Yami curiously said as Atem helped him down.

"I sent them to a place full of eternal suffering. I believe the demons called it the Shadow realm or something like that," The older male explained.

"Oh, so something like hell, or the underworld," Yami observed.

"Mmm, I suppose it's something like that. Although the Shadow realm is much worse." Atem delicately pressed his fingers on Yami's abdomen to heal the bloody wound. While he was healing him, the pale boy looked at the sky with an arched eyebrow. Somehow it seemed much bluer than before, almost more alive.

"Are you hurt elsewhere? Did they dare to touch you while I wasn't looking?" The prince's colored eye reflected worry while the other eye drowned in anger. In an odd way, it was mesmerizing.

"No, I'm all right now." Yami sent him a gentle smile.

"Good to know," Atem smiled while his darkened eye slowly started to become colorful again. Yami tilted his head in sudden thought, it seemed positive things calmed him down. Perhaps he could fully calm him down. Without hesitance, he leaned forward and kissed him sweetly. They kissed for a while before separating, the only thing connecting them was a thin string of saliva.

"Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?" Atem raised an eyebrow, his eyes filled with confusion.

"I just wanted to see your colorful eyes again, and it worked!" Yami giggled and smiled brightly. Atem blushed sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. Yami's chuckles calmed down shortly after, his eyes catching something shiny that laid mere inches from them.

"Well, now that your father's gone... does that make you Pharaoh?" Yami suddenly wondered out loud. Atem let out a small "Oh!" in realization and picked up the crown, his eyes skimming over the piece of jewelry.

"When a King dies, their firstborn automatically takes their place. Technically, I'm the Pharaoh now..." The new Pharaoh takes a small moment to process all that's happening, then hands Yami the crown.

"Atem?" The younger male asks confusedly.

"I want you to put it on me, please," He blinks confusedly but obliges. Yami leaned in and carefully settled the earpieces behind his ears, making sure to not poke his face or earlobes. Atem watched his beloved fully concentrated with a smile on his face. The boy looked absolutely adorable with that glint of determination in his eye and his pink tongue sticking out just slightly from his lips.

Yami backed away after he was done to silently admire his work. The crown was certainly a beautiful addition to Atem's person, it made him look older, in a good way, and more mature.

"Hmm, you look much better than your father with that crown," The pale boy smiled sweetly. The Pharaoh's confidence spiked up at the comment, and he leaned closer.

"Oh, you really think so?" Just as their lips were going to unite once more, an explosion and several screams echoed through the forest. It made the two males jump and stare at each other startled, both remembering about the war.

"W-What should we do? Should we go back?" Yami suggested with a frown.

"No, I have an idea to possibly end this war once and for all. My father's gone, so I'm the leader now. I'll call off this war and convince your father to do the same. Perhaps we can call truces if he's kind enough, dare I propose we can become allies," Atem explained hurriedly.

"If we go now, he'll be too stubborn to accept! You're a rival to him and the kingdom. I'm probably a disappointment that's dead to them..." Yami trailed off at the last bit there with a saddened expression, although it went away as fast as it came, "Either way, we need to go back and bring Yugi. He'll be the one to talk some sense into him." The Pharaoh hesitated but knew Yami had a point. Reluctantly, he nodded.

"All right, let's go get Yugi." After saying that, a portal appeared in front of them. Yami stared at it in wonder and confusion while Atem gave it an odd look.

"I didn't think I could do that..."

"Well, it's there in front of us. Do you think it'll take us to Yugi and Heba?"

"I believe so." Yami nodded and moved forward to enter the portal, but a hand gently grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"I don't want you to enter it before I deem it safe," Atem seriously stated. Yami tilted his head as he stepped aside. Atem stuck his hand into the portal and moved it around a bit, he didn't feel anything that could be categorized as dangerous. He pulled his arm back and looked at it, not finding anything wrong with it.

"Okay, let's go." Atem looked at Yami with a small smile. Yami smiled back and intertwined his fingers with his Pharaoh's before stepping into the black portal.

To Be Continued~


Hello guys! I hope you guys had a good Happy New Year, and let's hope this year will be better than the last. I certainly hope so, at least. Also, I'm sorry if there's mistakes, I've only re-read the chapter twice. Anyways, Aknamkanon is dead, Atem is Pharaoh, the war is still a thing that will end sooner than later. Yami and Sugoroku still need to fix their broken relationship, Yugi and Heba's relationship will be explored more, and sheesh, Corbin's probably brain-dead. Next chapter, "Pleading for Forgiveness".

See you in the next chapter?

Saiyan Duelist

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