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shinso hitoshi and midoriya izuku

WHEN SHINSO enters his favorite coffee shop, he wasn't expecting to see a green haired person.

See, Shinso had been going to that coffee shop for almost a year and had pretty much memorized their faces, and this boy was not one of those people.

The boy looked like a middle schooler. He had fluffy looking hair which sprung out in every direction wildly from the headband pushing the emerald ringlets back. Jade green crystals shone in the early morning light, dark bags clinging underneath them. His pink tongue peeked out as he frowned down at a laptop.

He was slouched, a patchy sweater clinging loosely to his body, the cloth hanging off his shoulder and exposing the small freckles littered across the boney limb.

Shinso didn't know how long he'd been standing there, staring, but the next thing he knew was he was being pulled by his own hoodie over to the freckled boy's booth.

"Hello." He said as they sat down and Shinso noted his voice was smooth, holding a scared undertone.

The lavender haired teen eyed the boy closely now. He noticed that his laptop had several stickers of famous brands such as; Plus Ultra and Hawks plastered on the back of it and smiled internally. He noted that every time his fingers would twitch he would fiddle with a patch in his sweater. He also took that time to notice all of the boy's scars and frowned.

"Um. . hi." He repeated.

"I- I noticed you were- you were staring at me? And I wanted to know- wanted to know why." He fumbled over his words, chancing a brief second of eye contact.

The lilac haired teen smiled and rested his cheek on his palm. "I'm Shinso Hitoshi, and to be honest, I don't know why I was staring at you." He said.

That wasn't exactly a lie, he didn't know why he was staring but he had a pretty good idea; the boy just had a sort of androgynous beauty surrounding him. It was almost suffocating.

"Midoriya Izuku." The greenette nods, offering a small smile. Shinso's smile grows wider, shifting into a grin.

"Well Izuku," he started and chuckled as the greenette flushed. "Would you like to go for coffee sometime?" He asked as if they weren't already in a coffee shop.

Midoriya froze and Shinso panicked. What happened? Did I do something wrong? Should I apologize?

". . yes." His small voice rouses Shinso from his internalized panic.

He sighed in relief before smiling sweetly.

•| ⊱✿☪︎⊰ |•

Needless to say, they hit it off right away, becoming friends quickly and after awhile, lovers.

And all because of a coffee shop.

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