December 6th

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DeeDee swore off going out with her friends for a while. Phyllis was getting on her nerves and Beverly could only do so much. DeeDee didn't even understand the hostility that was coming from her best friend. And now was not the time for her to be stressed out by shit she couldn't control, like her best friend's actions and reactions. So, it was time for a break and to focus on more important things, like her defense presentation.

She had chosen her PowerPoint background weeks ago. She drafted her presentation outline weeks ago. But she hadn't yet put any of it together, even with all the time she spent in the library. Then again, the last time she was studying there, she found Erik's note.

"Oh crap," DeeDee grabbed her phone off the charger and saw multiple messages from him.

Prince Erik: Good morning Miss DeeDee

Prince Erik: I hope you have a good day and get some rest. You definitely need it. 😘

Prince Erik: Good night DeeDee

Prince Erik: Enjoy your day Miss DeeDee.

Including a voice message, "Damn."

VM: Sleeping Beauty

Do you know that you talk in your sleep? I learned quite a bit from you when you fell asleep mid-sentence last night.

Don't worry, I won't hold any of it against you...unless that is what you really want. Then what the lady wants, the lady gets.

I won't tell you how long I stayed on the phone after you knocked out, but I'm sure that your phone probably died after I ended the call.

Whenever you get up, hit me up. I have some questions for you, pretty lady.


After that eventful night out with Beverly and Phyllis, all she remembered was drunk dialing him, him answering the phone and then nothing else until she woke up late the next afternoon with a dead phone. She put it on the charger, but never checked any of her alerts and went right back to sleep until this morning.

DeeDee picked up her phone and went to her recording app. She didn't want to flood his phone responding to his texts. And since he usually worked on weekends, she decided to send him a voice message instead.

She walked over to her patio door, opened the curtains and sat down at her desk. DeeDee opened up her laptop and pulled up all the documents she would need. It was time to get to work. Less than 2 weeks until D-Day.


Erik looked down at his phone for the umpteenth time that day and then walked the floor. It was weird, he hadn't heard anything from DeeDee since he hung up on her Friday night. She was gone gone and yet, she still tried to talk to him. A sleepy drunk. He thought it was cute but he knew that hangover was gonna be a killer.

He hoped that she was ok. He still sent his usual text messages but he also sent a voice one because she said somethings that had him thinking. And it is said that 'a drunk mouth speaks a sober mind.' If that holds true, DeeDee laid herself bare in the most beautiful way, and yet she may not remember any of it. What a shame.

Erik moved to stand by the window of his office, while DeeDee's words took up residence in his mind. He stopped focusing on his weekly reports an hour ago. His impression of DeeDee and the reality that each day his feelings about her being the one for him became stronger and stronger, cradled her very words to him from the night before.

A loud buzzing sound against his wooden desk, halted his wayward thoughts. He walked over and picked it up. It was a voice message from DeeDee. He unlocked his phone and opened it.

All I Want for Christmas is a Ph.D.Where stories live. Discover now