the song fof julie

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Lexi starts to play the melody for Luke singing the song for him "I know we got into a fight through the way I was jealous I didn't ever meant to hurt you.. I just wish we could take back all we had so you could come back to me..."

Luke sang along with he " all the words i wish I never said I wish I could take us back if I could only do that.. I would have you in my arms and holding you close and be the only one you need but I know you like nick and I would never be the one for you.. I regret the words I should've never said.. I hope you forgive me for whatever I've done that.. I regret myself for whatever I said.."

Lexi smiles " that's perfect! You should sing this to your girlfriend, whats your girlfriend's name?" She asked

Luke looked over at her"julie molina."

Lexi smiles " you should go to her house and sing this to her"

"What if she doesn't forgive me?"

Lexi shakes her head "Luke. She will I promise now go."

Luke hugs her quickly and goes to leave and went to sing julie the song

Lexi went on her couch smiling "I wish you were here tama to see that I made a good deed and helped that boy." She chuckled sadly to herself not knowing two people were watching her.

Reggie and Alex looked at the girl feeling bad for lexi.

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