meeting her

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Luke and Julie were fighting with Alex sighing until he heard these words from Luke

"You really don't like nick?!"

"Yes! If you're so jealous about it, then let's break up!"



Luke then ghosts out and went to explore town not caring if Reggie or even Alex saw him at this point he was too upset to care till he bummed to unknown person

"Oh hello are you lost?"
They asked me

Luke raised an eyebrow "uh no why?" I looked up at them to see it was a beautiful girl.

"Oh no reason just worried is all. You seem upset whats wrong?" She asked me confused

I sighed "its nothing.  I just got into a fight with my girlfriend  and it looks like we broke up.." I said

She gasps "oh my gosh thats horrible" she said then said "how about you stay at my place til then?" She asked and I nodded

"Sure so where is your place?" I asked

She chuckled "oh, just follow me ill lead the way"

Then she leads me to her place which I of course follow her not knowing Alex and Reggie were watching and decided to follow.

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