Diet cola (pt 1)

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I sat bolt upright, breathing heavily before turning back to see Duardy's arm now laying on my pillow. That'll explain the suffocation then.

I know he didn't mean to almost kill me. (This time) So i brushed it off pretty easily, and stood up.

*Le time skip bc i'm lazy*

I pulled open the fridge door to take out some eggs or something. I dont know. Breakfast morning edible food stuff.

(The author has officially been deathded writing this crap)

No eggs. No milk. No bacon. No anything really. Though to be fair the last time any of us went shopping was.... a few months ago? I dunno, we usually just order pizza.

I went back to my room, grabbed my coat, wallet and keys, and wrote a note for the other two, leaving it on the fridge.

*At le store*

Seeing as we had barely any food at all i didn't find a list necessary and picked stuff up randomly.

I was about to leave with my bags before remembering. Diet cola. Edy would go crazy if i didn't bring any home.

Ah i'll just go get it someplace else.

I walked out, noticing our neighbours over across the street. I checked the road before running over to them.


The tall ginger turned to my voice, with a pretty confused look on his face.

"Wha- Jon?"

I dropped my bags and hugged him, "yeah. I missed you."

(No i don't ship this they're just friends. However if ya do, noice, you're awesome, i don't judge)

Although we live right next to each other i haven't seen Matt in a while, because i've had to take care of Eduardo. He's been pretty upset lately. Mark and I have both tried talking to him about it but so far, nothing. After a few weeks Mark kinda gave up, leaving me in charge of everything.

Anyway, I promised Matt we'd get to hang out soon, and he offered to take my bags home while I looked for the cola, so of course i agreed and thanked him. Naturally Edd went with his boyfriend, leaving me with Tom.

He's not too bad i guess. I get really nervous when he's drunk though. To be honest i get nervous when anyone is. I have a bad history with alcohol but that's a story for another time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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