Cap 28 -Flying Solo

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If I leave you on a bad note

Leave you on a sad note

Guess that means I'm buying lunch that day


I know all your secrets
You know all my deep-dish
Guess that means some things they never
They never change

Julie y ___:

We both know what I, what I
What I mean
When I look at you it's like I'm looking at me 

Al cantar esa parte Flynn se asusta cuando aparecen los chicos pero nosotras continuamos cantando

___ y Julie:

My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo
My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you
Hey, yeah, yeah
Hey, yeah, yeah
My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you


Yeah, you know who I'm likin' way before I liked them, duh
'Cause you liked them first


And if somebody hurts you, I'm gonna get hurt too
That's just how we work, yeah, that's just how we work

___ y Julie:

It will never change
We both know what I, what I
What I mean
When I look at you it's like I'm looking at me
My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo

Agarramos a Flynn de los brazos y la guiamos para que conociera a los chicos, primero fue Luke que le sonrió y después me sonrió a mi, yo le devolví la sonrisa  

___ y Julie:

My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you
Hey, yeah, yeah
Hey, yeah, yeah

Después la guiamos hacia Alex y ella empezó a bailar

My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you

Solo faltaba Reggie así que la guiamos hacia el, Flynn intentó tocarlo pero lo traspaso y se asusto 

Reggie: Es raro, no?

Flynn: Son fantasmas!!

Alex: Oh, preferimos "Espíritus músicos"

Luke: Entonces, ___, Julie, se unirán a la banda? 

Flynn: Uhmmm, la verdad, creo que ustedes se unirán a la suya -dice tirandose su pelo para atrás


Julie: Iremos con lo que ella dijo -y todos reímos


My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo
My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey, yeah, yeah
My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you

___: Aun quieres acusarnos con papá?

Flynn: No, ya no -dice y todos reímos  

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