An Irreplaceable Gift - Meliodas x Reader

Start from the beginning

"So, um... you're planning to confess to him with that letter of yours, right?" She peered over and looked at the letter on the table. I hurriedly get up to hide it, but stop my actions as she's seen it anyway. I nod my head, still embarrassed. I told Elizabeth about my plan to confess to Meliodas under a tree, and hope that all's well ends well. She looks at me again with the same, sad smile.

"I understand... I can help you if you need anything." Elizabeth lowers her head.

"Elizabeth... I know from that look alone that you like him too. Why haven't you confessed to him yet?" I ask worriedly. 

"I... just know that I wouldn't have a happy ending with him if I did." 

"All I want for him is for him to be happy, and I know you can give him that happiness. I'm content with just looking out for him on the sidelines." she confided.

"And besides, I know that he may like you back too." Elizabeth smiled at me, this time full of kindness.


At that moment, I strengthened my resolve. I was going to confess to Meliodas, today. For the sake of myself, and the sake of Elizabeth as well. I grab my letter and got out of my room, determined to set this confession in stone. I am definitely not about to let her sacrifice go astray now, can I?

I look back at Elizabeth, and she wishes me all the best. I gave her a big smile, grateful for the opportunity that she has given me and set out to look for Meliodas. 


A while later, I find Meliodas laying down underneath a tree. He seems to be fast asleep...

I approach him slowly, and sat myself as quietly as possible beside him. I look at him in his sleeping posture, giggling. I lean myself over to take a good look at his face when he suddenly opens his eyes. I stare at him for a little bit before flinching back.

"W-Whoa! Oh, my goodness! You scared me!" I raise my voice a little at him, being utterly surprised.

"Well, well, well! If it isn't Y/N-chan!~" He smirked. 

"Don't you Y/N-chan me! I thought you were sleeping, y'know!" I pout at him.

Meliodas chuckles. I giggle with him, knowing that I can't stay mad at him for long. There was a few minutes of comfortable silence between us, and my face started to grow increasingly red. Meliodas noticed this, and he started to blush a little as well prior to my knowledge.

"Hey, Y/N... is there anything you want to tell me? You've been holding on to that piece of paper for a long while, it looks crumpled." He pointed out the paper that I've been holding since going out of my room. I gasp and look down at my possession, and sure enough; the sides of it became creased, tearing a little bit on the bottom edge of the paper. I look down shyly, and handed it over anyway.

"J-Just read it, okay? It's all I have..." I mumbled. My heart was beating fast, this was the moment I've been waiting for. The moment that I've been yearning for all these months is happening right now...!

Meliodas took over the letter, and did a quick read. Every word he read made his ears go redder and redder, and subsequently; his face. It didn't take very long for him to decipher my signals. He looks up at me once more, now a blushing mess. His facial expression was priceless; as if he knew all along...

He grabbed me by the shoulders.

"Y/N, you had no idea how long I've been waiting for this!" he exclaimed excitedly.

Wait, what? He had been waiting for this? Since when?

It was now my turn to be surprised. He explained to me soon after that he initially believed the two of us to be friends, but his body language betray him otherwise. All those times that he shared details about his personal life, his hobbies and skills turned into ways to attract attention, specifically mine. He had a bunch of crazy ideas on how to grab my attention, going as far as trying to bring a finely made weapon with my name carved on it. 

"I'm glad

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"I'm glad... that you feel the same way, Y/N." Meliodas smiled widely. 

I dove into his arms immediately, unable to contain my happiness. We continue to laugh out loud, having confirmed our feelings for each other. 

"I really, really like you, Meliodas!"

"You can say that again, Y/N."



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How was that for your first chapter, dear reader? Was it interesting? Exciting? 

Canonically, this didn't happen as Meliodas had loved Elizabeth for over 3,000 years, it would be absolutely impossible to get him to fall in love with another. But what's the harm in fantasizing? Let your imagination run wild!

I will see you soon in the next chapter, featuring our good ol' Ban! 

Yours sincerely,

Shadic Dou

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