Taking the second letter, she noticed it was from Murphy. Her heart slowed as a loving smile approached her face. She ripped open the envelope, not noticing as some photos fell out. She read as he wrote to her about his new school, new friends he'd made, and how his first day had been.

"Who's this?" Percy asked, picking a fallen photograph off the ground.

"Huh?" Lily's head shot up. "Where?"

"In this picture." Percy pointed at the piece of paper.

"Oh! That's Murphy. He's my best friend. Also a muggle." she smiled, as Percy handed her the photo. It was them with their parents and her brother, at the annual Wiltshire Christmas Tree Lighting.

"It's not moving. Is it broken?" Percy frowned slightly.

"Oh no." Lily laughed. "It's a muggle picture. The don't... move."

"What about this one?" Oliver asked, picking the other one up.

She glanced at it, before bursting out laughing. "That's from the town fair. We ate so much ice cream that day, we got stomachaches." she laughed at the memory as she pocketed the photographs, a small part of her wishing that they could meet Murphy too.

Potions lessons were easy, since she'd already learned how to make them all before. Charms was even easier. Her dragon heartstring wand really suited her well. As for Flying, well both McGonagall and Madame Hooch had told both her and Wood that they were fully ready to try out for the team next year. The year seemed to fly by quickly, and to Lillian Ariana Smith, Hogwarts had become home.


"To making the Quidditch team!" Oliver and Lily clanked their goblets with Percy, who, not as enthusiastic but still happy for his friends, sat at the dining table with a book open on his lap.

"Charlie's an excellent captain. I'm sure we'll win the House Cup this time around." Lily said, determined.

"There's no way we'll let Slytherin win for the fifth time in a row." Oliver nodded, just as ambitiously. "Keeper and Chaser, we're gonna drill them to the ground Carrots. You hear that Flint? Grill you to the GROUND!" Oliver shouted from across the tables.

Marcus Flint, who had also just recently become a part of the Slytherin Quidditch team, made a face at Oliver and turned away.

Percy just smiled to himself as his friends went on ranting about beating Slytherin for the Quidditch Cup, while he focused on studying for his Potions finals.

Lily and Percy were on their way back from Transfiguration class when Lily opened her second letter from Murphy that week.

"How does he know how to send you letters from that muggle school?" the boy asked curiously as Lily eagerly opened the envelope. "You've told him about Hogwarts?"

"God, no." the girl laughed, shaking her head. "He pre-writes his letters and when Vanilla stops by to deliver mine, he hands his over. It feels weird, hiding an entire side of me from Murph." she frowned, sighing softly.

"You two seem close." Percy remarked.

"We are. I've known Murph since I was three. He lives right across the road." She shrugged, slipping the letter inside her Astrology textbook. "I can't wait to meet him during Christmas." she said giddily.

"I don't even want to go home for Christmas." Percy frowned. "It's always so... crowded and chaotic. Bill invites friends from school, Charlie gets friends home from school, then there's the twins who keep pulling pranks on everybody, and don't even get me started on Ron's eating habits. I swear, Ginny's about the only one I can tolerate."

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