Yummy chocolates and a fun time

Start from the beginning

"Yeah! I got... twenty!" Teddy said happily, counting on his fingers before saying 'twenty'.

"Wow that's so cool, you're going to share some with me right?" Ron said, wiggling his eyebrows and smirking.

"Maybeeeee," Teddy said, giggling.

After that, we all went into a peaceful silence while we ate. We have this running joke about how when the food comes, we all go silent. Except for Teddy. He likes to talk to no one in particular about nothing in particular. Right now he is talking about the enchanted ceiling. He has been talking about it for the last ten minutes. When he wowed at the fact that flower petals started falling for Easter, Harry looked up at me and our eyes met while we smirked. It's so funny how amazed Teddy is at all these things around school. He's so adorable. Honestly, I landed myself with the two most amazing boys in the world. Harry, who I love more than anyone else, and Teddy, I couldn't ask for a better son. Especially since Harry and I are only 19 and still in school, well kind of, I am a student and Harry's a teacher and sometimes a student.

"Dad, can I eat my chocolate now?" Teddy asked, swallowing his last bite of food.

I glanced at Harry to see if he was done eating, he was.

"Sure, Ron, Hermione, want to join us?" I asked, turning to the couple beside us.

"I don't see why not," Hermione replied, rolling her eyes at Ron who was trying to stuff the last bit of food in his mouth.

We all got up and went to the Library with Teddy's basket of chocolate chicks. Because it's daytime and the holidays, we don't have to be too quiet so it is a really nice place to hang out at. We made our way to the back of the library where there are sofas surrounded by bookshelves, windows, and in the center was a coffee table. Harry and I sat on one of the sofas while Hermione and Ron sat on the one opposite us. Teddy on the other hand sat on the floor at the coffee table, laying out all his chocolates and planning which one to eat first.

Harry and Hermione gave each other a sneaky look that Ron and I both noticed, we looked at each other puzzled. Suddenly, Ron went flying off the sofa and onto the carpeted floor. I was laughing for a few seconds before the same thing happened to me. Harry and Herminone had kicked us off the giant sofas and spread their bodies across them so there was barely any space for Ron and I. Teddy was laughing at us and Hermione and Harry weren't trying too hard to hide their laughs. We tried to get back on the sofas but Harry and Hermione just wouldn't budge so in the end, I sat in an armchair that was behind Teddy and in between the two sofas, Ron sat in the one opposite me at the other end of the coffee table.

We sat there talking for about an hour while Teddy stuffed his face with chocolate chicks. Harry was talking with Ron about quidditch and Hermione and I were listening. I broke my focus from the conversation for a second when Teddy turned around to face me. The whole area around his mouth was covered in melted chocolate. His hands weren't any better. I couldn't help but laugh. Teddy looked confused at first but figured something must be funny so he started to laugh too. This caught the attention of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They turned to look at Teddy and saw the chocolatey mess. They, too, started laughing.

After we finished laughing, I got up and held Teddy's chocolatey hand, leading him to the bathrooms. Just before I left Harry shot me a thankful look and went back to talking with his friends.

"What's so funny, Dad?" Teddy asked me.

"You'll see in a second." I chuckled.

We rounded the corner and entered one of the boy's bathrooms. I brought Teddy over to the sinks and lifted him up so he could reach it. He looked in the mirror and started laughing.

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