"Naughty...", Chris replied stunned.

"Now you can't go...", he chuckled, half asleep.

"You make a convincing statement..."


Words couldn't express how adorable he sounded when he spoke groggily. It reminded him of the time Jonny's date went downhill and he came to him drunk. Jonny always slurred his vowels when drunk or sleepy. "Chris" would almost always become "Chrrees" It was just one of the thousand things Chris found so adorable about him. He snuggled closer to Jonny.

"When did I fall asleep? I don't remember...", he asked.

"Still a bit disoriented?"

"Yeah. Slight problems with short term memories and all that..."

"Mmm... We were kinda spent after our... session", he grinned, "So I got up to get a blanket"

Chris squinted, "How'd you get under me?"

Jonny blushed at the question.

"I came back with the blanket and asked you whether you wanted to go bed but you just climbed on top of me", he turned almost beet red

Chris let out a laugh, "I did that?"

"Yeah... You just... kind of straddled me."

"And you went along with it?"

"Of course. That's how I ended up... under"

He shifted his position to face Chris and opened his eyes.

"I didn't mind it though", he snuggled closer which made Chris let out a little laugh.

They lay in silence for a little while. Jonny's eyes were hypnotizing to say the least. Chris couldn't stop admiring them. For a moment there he'd almost lost himself.

"What?", Jonny's voice broke his trance.

"What?", Chris replied.

"You were staring at me for a good minute there..."

"Not my fault you have such beautiful eyes..."

Jonny laughed and looked up at the ceiling as if he didn't believe Chris.

"Oh shut up..."

"What, it's true", Chris put his hand up to Jonny's cheek, "I love your green eyes. They're so very forest like"

To say that his face resembled a tomato would be an understatement. It looked as if a simple compliment had given Jonny a brain aneurysm.

"Mmm... thanks...", he managed to stutter at last.

"You're beet red..."

"I just... No one has ever said that to me before..."

Chris' face dropped. He couldn't believe that Jonny had never been complimented like that before.

"Ugh that's bollocks... I'm sure someone you've been in a relationship with has said that you have pretty eyes"

"No, actually... Most of the compliments were focused on them. I mean they'd praise my playing", he paused as a smile broke out, "They never said I has beautiful eyes"

"Well you do... I wrote an entire song about it"

Jonny stopped in his tracks and looked straight at Chris, a puzzled expression on his face.

"Wait a minute... Green Eyes is about me?"

It was Chris' turn to blush. He nodded softly.


A Rush of Blood to the HeadWhere stories live. Discover now