"She's not going, then I'm not going." Wanda sulked.

"Me too." Sam mocked her tone. "Seriously, Buck. She's a tank, we could use her." He finished, more serious this time.

Bucky huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his flesh fingers. "You gotta take that up with Steve. He and I aren't really on the best of terms right now." He spoke, annoyance dripping from the last sentence.

"Easy, I'll take care of it." Nat said to Bucky, but she sent a wink at you.

You were so excited you almost leaped from your seat. You couldn't wait to blow some shit up!


The next morning you woke up extra early, just to get a jump on everything. Nat had fought with Steve all last night, but eventually he conceded on the sheer fact that if you were there, it would mean double the Wanda power. This was a big base, one he had known of for quite some time now, but it required extra attention. They had been working on recreating your serum, but so far to no avail. You knew exactly where they were going wrong of course. But Steve explained they had been testing it out of Hydra members. The lucky few who survived may not have your powers, but they were still strong. He'd need all the help he could get.

After you were packed you dragged your duffle to Shuri's lab. She had been working on a few new weapons she wanted you to pack. Just in case, she said. You got there in no time flat, literally vibrating with excitement.

"You're sure about this?" She asked.

"Absolutely." You beamed. She signed, and handed you a small ring.

"What's this?" You asked, holding the small band in your fingers.

"It's a beacon. It will help you hold onto your borrowed energies for longer. It's like a mini you, only better." She paused, "Speaking of, are you going to tell me what's in that serum of yours or am I just going to have to keep guessing?"

"I think it's better kept unsaid. That thing had already caused enough problems. No one should be burdened with it."

"Maybe so." She signed.

"Thank you Shuri. For everything." You half heartedly smiled but before you could leave her arms were around you, pulling you into a hug. You sucked in a breath and tapped her on the back in reciprocation. Physically affection was never something you were good at showing, try as you may.

When you finally pulled away she sent you a soft smile, and wished you good luck on the mission before you headed out the door.


"Nice of you to grace us with your presence." Steve muttered, when you finally got to the jet when the rest of the team was loading up.

"It is, isn't it?" You spoke sweetly, throwing your duffle onto the jet. You still weren't really sure where you stood with Steve. Of course you knew of the famous Captain America, even if you didn't remember a few weeks ago. But never did you imagine he would be such a class act dick. Or maybe he was just that way with you? The idea made you smirk, knowing you were the only one to really piss off the Captain was honestly the highest form of flattery.

You boarded the jet and noticed the rest if the team already suited up. The tactical gear Shuri had made you was tight, and Natasha was living proof of that. I mean, it wasn't fair she had the body of a trained ballerina and New York supermodel. The woman was easily the most beautiful woman you had ever seen while your gear clung to you in all the least flattering ways.

You quickly shook off the self doubt. It didn't matter how you looked, you were here to kick some ass.

Well, not exactly.

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