"No- I mean, I don't know. It doesn't matter. Please, I really, really don't want to talk about it. Just drop it okay?" You pleaded with your friend. You could physically feel Natasha's eyes on you but before she could ask, the sound of heavy footsteps entered the room.

"Whats up, ladies? Miss me much?" The voice boomed into the room causing you to flinch. A dazzling smile bloomed on Natahsas face as she saw the man behind you.

"You wish, bird-man." She cooed, sarcastically. The man you assumed to be Sam walked around the couch and pulled Natasha into a hug. He had a large army duffle that hung over his right shoulder, but the bottle of Don Julio in his hand was what caught your eye.

He pulled away from Nat turning to look at Wanda, flashing a megawatt smile.

"How's my favourite witchy-poo?" He chuckled, causing a blush to appear on Wanda's pale cheeks. She rolled her eyes, but the coy smile on her lips remained.

"Shut up. We missed you, Sammy." She beamed, resting her hand on your leg. The shock sent a wave of power accelerated through your body, causing you to shiver. She felt your body tense and looked at you apologetically.

"Sorry, Y/n. I keep forgetting." You shook your head and smiled reassuringly at her.

"So, this is the famous Y/n I've been hearing so much about. Bucky talks very highly of you. He seemed to leave out how pretty you are, the bastard." Sam spoke, charm oozing off his every word. A nervous laugh bubbled out of your chest. What the fuck was that? You tried to meet his gaze but your body betrayed you. God he was intense. His perfectly white teeth all but sparkled against her flawless mocha skin. He was tall. Maybe not quite so compared to Bucky, but large nevertheless.

"How you doin? I'm Sam. Really, really nice to make your acquaintance." The man winked at you, taking your hand in his and shaking it slowly. You met his gaze and smiled, nervously. You could tell this came naturally to him, the way he spoke with such ease. Like he had practiced this a million times and yet, it still seemed to do its job. You were sure this has worked on many women before.

"I'm well, thank you. And, uh, you too." You smirked, trying to steady your breath. The man was objectively gorgeous.

"I heard someone needed a little pick me up?" He asked, watching you intently. "Hard day at the office?" Sam chuckled. He dropped his bag on the floor and rested on the ottoman.

"Why don't you tell me all about it, baby." He perched his lip where a devilish smirk had just played. Jesus, he really thought he was hot stuff. I mean, he was, but that wasn't the point.

Natasha made a theatrical gagging noise causing Sam to glare in her direction. "You've got to stop, before I vomit." She huffed, causing you to giggle. Silently you thanked her for ceasing Sam's schmoozing. The guy had game, but it was undoubtedly clear however that you did not. The entire situation made you feel nervous and... Guilty? No, that wasn't right. Guilt was not an emotion you needed to worry about. You had spent all day analysing Bucky's every word to you, scrutinizing every detail, every voice inflection. No, You wouldn't feel guilty. Not now, not ever.

"I'll get glasses." You quickly shot to your feet, feverishly shaking your inner dialogue away and heading towards the kitchen.


"No! Don't say it! Don't you dare say it!" Natasha squealed, rising from her chair clumsily and pointing a finger at the TV. You all cheered and waited as the dreamy man from the movie spoke.

"Go to her." The man cooed, playfully punching his friend in the arm.

"NO!" Everyone screamed, falling into a pit of laughter as Sam passed the tequila around. You don't know whose idea it was to play a drinking game solely based on the cliches of the romcom, but there were only fifteen minutes left and all five of you minus Shuri were absolutely hammered.

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