Part 1

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Authors Note: Contains mild swearing, and chemical poisoning. Enjoy! <33

I walked downstairs cautiously at the sound of the doorbell. No one in the neighborhood ever woke up this early in the morning. It was 8 am, and the sun had just started to rise, casting an orange glow into the blue morning sky. I wasn't expecting visitors at this time, so I had never changed out of my dark blue hoodie and gray sweats, my hair still up in a messy bun with reading glasses. I grabbed my coffee, careful not to spill it on the way to the door.

I slowly opened the door, revealing 3 men standing patiently. I looked up to meet the first man's eyes and my jaw dropped. He was the most attractive man I have ever seen in my life. He looked to be about 6'3, with dirty blonde hair in a messy clump, breathtakingly green eyes that sent a shock down my body, and perfect facial features. He was wearing a lime green hoodie and dark blue jeans with a lopsided smile. He was leaning against the doorframe with his legs crossed, his hand reached out to greet me. I politely took it, still mesmerized by the man standing in front of me. 

I glanced behind him at the two men standing a little further away, on either side of him. They were fairly intimidating, not anything like the first boy. Their arms were crossed and they returned my weak smile with a glare. The first boy on the right of the man standing in front of me had jet-black hair, with a white bandana tied around his head. He was wearing a white shirt and black jeans, a chain hanging from them. I turned from him to observe the boy standing on the left. He was wearing a blue hoodie with some kind of logo on it, white glasses, and blue jeans around the same shade as the first boy. I felt the man in front of me's gaze on me as I observed the other two. I turned to look back to him, and noticed his smile had seemed to grow.

I didn't realize how long I had been staring at him until he said, "Done staring yet?" with a laugh. His laugh was unreal. It started out as a small laugh, turning into a harsh wheeze seconds later.

I awkwardly tucked my hair behind my ear and responded with "O-oh sorry I didn't-"

"I'm just playing with you." he responded, still smiling. "May I ask what your name is?"

I coughed awkwardly before responding. "y/n," I said, looking down. "And yours?" I asked.

"Well, my name is Clay, but you can call me Dream. Oh yeah and that's Nick, call him Sapnap," he said, pointing to the boy in the white shirt. "And that's George." he said, pointing to the boy in the blue hoodie. I nodded, bringing my head up to meet his gaze once again. My heart skipped a beat as I noticed that he was standing a bit closer to me now. "May I talk to you for a second?" He asked.

"Um yeah sure," I said, opening the door, waiting for the other two boys to walk in.

They started walking towards the door, but Dream put a hand out in their direction and said "alone." I nodded and shut the door. It took a deep breath as it had just hit me that I had let a complete stranger that I had just met into my house. He stood fairly close to me, although he did leave a respectable gap between us. I looked up at him after shutting the door, and he had his arms crossed now. His smile had disappeared, and my body went rigid, as he looked very intimidating. "Do you know Tommy Innit?" he said, his eyes gazing at me as if he was trying to reach into my soul.

"Y-yeah why?" I responded quickly. "Just wondering since I'm a good friend of his. Are you two friends?" he asked.

"Yeah I've known him since we were little." I responded hesitantly.

I stood there for a second as he pulled a cloth out of his pocket, that lopsided grin creeping back onto his face. "I would say I'm sorry, but I really don't care."

"Wha-" I tried to say, but before I could respond he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards him. He had a very strong grip on me, but I continued to try and fight my way out of his arms. He put the cloth up to my face and I immediately started slipping into an unconscious void, pulling me down. I stopped fighting as I realized that the bastard had put Chloroform on the cloth. Just before I slipped completely under I managed to spit out "You bastard." and I heard Dream let out a deep laugh as he carried me out of my house and handed me to Sapnap, who carried me to the car parked outside. 

Authors Note: 

Sorry this chapter is kind of short, I am editing this at 4 am currently. I will most likely post the next chapter tomorrow, so stay tuned!! Ily all, and I hope you have a great day and or night, and make sure to rest up and gets lots of food and water!! <33 

Take care of yourselves for me!!

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