Chapter 4: Red Arrow

Start from the beginning

When we got to the house and in the living room Thea turned to me "Do you know who that was?" She asked worriedly. I shook my head. "That was Jessica Fog the reporter for the news everyone will know about it by tomorrow. My eyes widened. "After this week you will be going to a private school." Oliver said. I jumped off the couch. "What?!? Private school?!? No way!" I freaked out. "There is NO WAY in the world i am going to a private school!" I screeched. "You have to most especially now that it's gotten out that you're Oliver's daughter." Thea said. "Megan you have to." Oliver said firmly. "Fine!" I shouted and ran to my room.

I paced back and forth before grabbing my skateboard and going outside. I rode all the way down to the bank where one of my friends mom worked. This girls name was Stacey she hasn't been at school because she's sick with the flu so i am going to go ask her mom how she's doing to keep my mind off other things. "Hey Mrs.Clank hows Stacey doing?!?" I asked riding into the bank and up to the front desk where she was. She just yelled "Skateboard Megan." I stopped and flipped my skateboard into my hands. "Sorry." I mumbled walking the rest of the way to the desk. "It's alright love." She said. "And as for your question Stacey will be back tomorrow." I threw my fists in the air "Yay!" I said enthusiastically. She was about to respond when four men with guns ran in and said "EVERYBODY OUT!" people began to scream running out. The men wasted no time two of them went to steal money and the other two came to me before i could move a mussel. They grabbed me and Mrs.Clank screamed "Let her go!" One of the masked men yelled at her to get out or they would kill me and she swallowed "It's okay go!" I said crying. She still didn't no what to do but one of the men shoved a gun to my temple "OUT!!" She ran quickly while i cried. "SHUT UP!" They yelled dragging me to the back. I was silent. The two other men met up with us with bags of money at one of the back exits and they dragged me out. They through me in the back of a van two hopped in with me and told me not to say a word. I did as i was told and we left the driveway. "Keep your head down." One of them growled pushing me to the floor and tying me up. Half way through i decided to take my chances "So is someone going to tell me the plan here?" I asked. "Shut up." One of them growled. "Seriously i don't think you telling me is going to hurt anything." I said. "Look kid if you don't shut up i will do it for you!" One of them yelled. "No you won't Dave!" One of the guys in the front said (him and the driver were the only ones who had taken off there masks. "Were going to ransom you off." the same guy said. "Oh okay." I said. Both guys in the back looked down at me and the one in the passenger seat turned around to look at me to "Take a picture it'll last longer." I said sarcastically. "How are you so calm when you were crying not to long ago?" One of them asked. I pretended to think about it "I don't know i think i'm bipolar." I said. The guy who was driving laughed a deep silky laugh. "So who is who?" I asked. "I mean i know Dave is the grumpy annoying guy who i already hate but that's it." i said. The guy growled and kicked me. I yelped "DAVE!" All of the other guys yelled. "We have been over this were not doing this to hurt her were doing this to get money!" The guy in the passenger seat yelled. "Alright alright calm down everyone!" The driver said. "Dave if i'm going to leave you and Mark tonight i have to know you to are not going to take advantage of her in any way!" He barked at them. "Fine." The man grumbled. "So which one of you is Mark?" I asked. "He's not here he's where were taking you." I nodded.

Oliver's POV:

I was in the living room with Thea when my phone rang i answered it to hear a worried Felicity on the other end say "Turn on the news it's Megan!" And then she hung up. I quickly turned on the TV and watched in horror as two men grabbed a screed Megan and made their way over to two more men and out the door. I didn't stop to listen to what anyone said i grabbed my coat and ran out the door to verdant ignoring Thea's protests.

When i got to the Arrow cave Felicity was clicking quickly at the computer. I walked up behind her. "One more second." She said. "YES!" She yelled throwing her fists in the air and then she gave me Megan's location Roy, Diggle and i quickly changed and left to where they were keeping Megan.

Megan's POV:

When we got there they covered my face and walked a stumbling me into the room sat me on a chair and tied me up. Everyone left except for Dave and Mark. "So you must me Mark." I said. "Shut up!" Both men said each giving me a hard slap across the face. "You are tied up so i suggest if you don't one us to hurt you you keep your mouth closed." Dave said. "I'm guessing you guys don't like me." I said. "No dip Sherlock." Mark said. "Yes Dip Watson!" I said grinning. He punched me in the gut. So i know you are all probably wondering why i have gone from bawling to talking and seeming comfortable. I am NOT comfortable i am TERRIFIED and when that happens i go through 4 different stages. Stage one bawling, stage two hiding it, and stage three.... panic attack. That is where my breathing speeds up and i begin to scream and i'm scared of ANYONE i don't know including cops. I don't move except for flinching back and only people close to me can bring me out of it My mom, Chloe, Lindsey, and Roy were the only ones who knew about these panic attacks and how to stop them. I don't know why but this stage occurs when i might be saved so when i saw that Arrow fly past Dave's head i knew what was about to happen. My breathing got heavy and sped up while Dave and Mark leaned down to untie the knots. They weren't quick enough the Red Arrow came from behind and yanked one of them back and they began to fight. Then Green Arrow came out of nowhere and began to fight Mark. I began to scream while a man came up behind me to untie my knots. I kept screaming and put my hands over my ears. Through my screaming and crying i saw both of the men passed out on the floor and the Arrow tram made their way towards me. "She's having a panic attack." I heard a familiar voice say. The red arrow bent down in front of me his hood was down and his mask was off. It was Roy. I kept screaming. "Megan." He said softly grabbing my hands. "Megan it's okay breathe." He said. I slowed my screaming to a stop and just sat there bawling. "Megan it's okay they can't hurt you anymore." He said. I hugged him. I was angry with him for not telling me who he was but i was happy to see him. "Come on Megan." He said helping me up. I stopped bawling and walked back to his car and he dropped me off at the police station.

Oliver's POV:

After we got back to the club and Roy had dropped Megan off i turned to him. "What were you thinking showing her who you were?" I asked. "It was the only way to calm her down!" He shouted angrily at me. "Roy you just put her in danger and now she might find out who the rest of us are!" I yelled. He shook his head "I have dealt with her panic attacks before that was the only way!" He yelled. "You could have found another way!" I said. "You know what Oliver she's your daughter you should know that calming her down was important more important than her finding out about some secret!" He yelled and made his way out of the room. Diggle gave me a look "He's right Oliver." He said. I glared at him and he threw his hands up in mock surrender and left me alone with Felicity. "Oliver you should go make sure Megan's okay." She said. I nodded and left verdant.

Authors note: So i guess this is kind of a cliff hanger... So i hope you guys liked this chapter sorry it took so long iv'e been at a girls retreat with my church all weekend so i haven't had time!!!! Comment, Vote, all that good stuff please!!!!! :)

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