Home At Last

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The drive home was uneventful, at least to your new master's perspective. However, having never been in this strange, rumbling machine, you panted and yawned frequently, attempting to quell your frazzled nerves. The only home you ever knew turned to a bleary passing scene outside a window. You had no idea where you were going or what this man's intentions were, although your canine mind was, admittedly, swayed by his delicious offering of a sandwich and a few much-appreciated ear scratches.

As the sky grew black and a slight rain began to patter upon the car's metallic roof, the vehicle lurched to a stop in the driveway of a generic suburban family home. You peered outside, eyes widened in curiosity, paws placed upon the window out of habit to gain a better view.

"Hey!", your human companion barked sharply, "Don't do that. You'll scratch up my windows."

Before you could even begin to try to comprehend his words, he had hurriedly pulled your forelegs down from their spot resting beneath the plexiglass. He then got out of the car, coming over to the side you were on, and opening up the door. He whistled sharply, effectively getting your attention to lure you out of the car, hopping out and to his side. Plumed tail wagging, you instantly ran to a nearby bush to find scents, eager to explore this new territory. However, your human companion whistled for you to come back to him, to which you obeyed, somewhat begrudgingly. Your experience with humans was limited, and you hadn't expected them to be this controlling, seeing as the ones you had encountered previously had outright ignored you.

As the man strolled over to the door, opening it with ease, you poked your wolf-like snout through the gap, wedging your way in before he even had a chance to set one foot upon the hardwood. The human rushed in beside you, seemingly somewhat nervous.

"Hope?", Hank commanded from the entryway, "I've got something for you."

The little girl seemed hesitant, coming around the corner of the wall with an almost unenthused look on her face. However, the moment she sighted you, her expression changed in an instant to one of sheer joy, eyes alight with excitement and jaw agape with utter shock: a dog of her very own! She squealed and dropped to the floor on her knees, opening her arms to beckon your furry form forth. You happily obliged, tongue lolling and tail wagging, eagerly accepting the flurry of pats and neck scratches the child offered.
With the initial surprise over, Hope turned her attention to Hank, smiling warmly and engulfing him in a tender hug.

"Thank you, daddy.", she sobbed amidst happy tears, "Thank you so much."

"You don't have to thank me, dear.", Hank did his best to hide his own dampening eyes and wavering voice, "As long as my little girl's happy, huh? Now, you'll have to come up with a name for your new friend."

"Hmm... well... how about Y/D/N?", the girl turned her attention to you, to which you simply rolled on your back, demanding more petting.

"Y/D/N. I like that.", Hank nodded, glancing over as his wife entered the room.

"What is all this-oh, my goodness. Hank. What happened to 'Mr. I'm getting you an ant as a pet?'", Janet chuckled, bending down beside her daughter to stroke your silky fur.

"Well, this dog just showed up at the lab.", the middle-aged man shrugged, "Seemed like a sign. I suppose I can get used to having a canine companion around." While his voice was indifferent to the subject, as you glanced up at the man, his face softened. It seemed nobody could resist your fluffy charms.

And you, for one, had already grown attached to this family - for the first time, a name of your own and a warm home to stay. This marked the beginning of the rest of your new life with the Pym family, and the adventure was just beginning.

Ant-Man's Best Friend (Hank Pym x Dog Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin