Chapter 1: Joshua

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Ok, so this is the first fanfic I have written don't bully :(

Erica's POV

My best friend Audry has been gone for a week now, and I'm pretty sure she's on a mission. I hate it when she goes on missions, I'm twice the spy she is and she gets all the missions! She is so annoying, she doesn't even ask if I can come. I've been on 2 missions! She's been on 5! I guess I should stop muttering and introduce myself.

My name is Erica Hale and I am one of the best spies at spy school. I am a legacy my dad is a spy my grandpa is a spy, and so on. My mom is also a spy but she works for MI6, so I am a spy on both sides. Also, my best friend is a spy and almost everyone I know is a spy, safe for some of my mom's friends. I was trained by my mom and grandpa, not my dad because he is one of the worst spies in CIA history. He only got in by being a legacy and he cheated all of his exams, also when Me or grandpa try to teach him he always gets distracted. My best friend's name is Audry, and that isn't saying much. She's the only one in the school who has the guts to approach me. We hung out in her room a lot and went on a few missions together, but I'm really mad at her because she promised to let me on the next mission! I guess that's how far a promise goes in Spy school.

You may realize that I am a little icy if you will, but that is because my old best friend died on a mission. His name was ben...

jk im not mean

His name was James, and he was only brought to the academy as bait, but he proved himself and got to stay at the academy. He also saved my life once so when he officially joined I was nice to him, and if I'm not going to lie he was a little hot. So being the naive person I was I attempted to score some points on him if you will, and I became his friend, Best friend. We hung out a lot and at that point, I didn't really care about how people felt about me, as long as I had him. Lol cringed so hard here

But then on only our second mission, we were trapped in a room with a ticking bomb and there were only 12 seconds left until we would die. I told him how I felt and he felt the same, and in the last 5 seconds until we would die he hugged me. then when the timmer hit 2 he spun around and jumped on the live bomb. I screamed "NOOOOOO" as if I wanted to die together. I heard a scream of pain that would haunt me for the rest of my life. I felt his body fly into me for the recoil of the blast. I saw the Kevlar jacket that he was wearing, burning to ashes. I saw the remains of the old warehouse, it was probably going to burn the ground and start a forest fire while it's there. But that didn't matter. All that mattered was him. He was gone but he was most likely dead.

I missed him a lot. He could always make people feel better and happier. No one really cared about his death, except for me. My mom was a mess as well, she liked him a lot, and when we talked she always said that he was the one or something like that. My grandpa was straight-up mad at me. He said that's not how you be a spy, and relationships only cause problems and stuff like that. I had put up icy walls after that and didn't let people in. Until Audry came along. She was also naive like me at one point. She was just trying to be my friend after all. But she got selected for a ton of missions and was 5 and 0 for them. I had only been on 4 missions and was 3 and 1, not to mention losing my best friend in the process. I loved going on missions and feeling the adrenalin and fear, but sometimes it's too scary. It's like going on a roller coaster and having to break halfway through the ride.

Anyway back to the present, it was lunchtime I usually sat with Audry but she was gone, so I sat alone. I was reading a book but had zoned out for a bit until I saw some boys talking a looking at me I quickly glanced over in a way that said: "back off". Apparently, they didn't get the message because 5 minutes later one of them came over and started to talk to me.

"You know you look kinda hot when the sun shines on you..." he said

"Get a life asshole" I said in a voice that implied I didn't want to flirt

"Oh come on I just want to talk" he said in a soothing voice

"I'll give you one chance to back off or I will shove your head up your butt"

I now realized he was really hitting on me and was probably on a dare. But there was something about him, I couldn't tell if it was his confidence or the fact he was downright handsome but- No no no Erica he will just break your heart just like James did. Well, he seems like a good spy, So does your father.

After about 15 seconds of that he said

"Meet me at the shooting range 0900 hours my names Joshua"

Then he walked away. I thought about it for a second and made the choice to go because I would probably be there anyways.

Ok so this is my first book I've ever written sry if there are mistakes, also I wanted to out tonight so it would have been longer but I have school and homework so yeah

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