I want to slap away that smile on her face so bad. If she weren't my bestfriend I would've done that.

“Stop grinning, you're ugly” I snapped and she released her grip around my arm before rolling her eyes at me and say “We both know I'm the prettier best friend”

I scoffed “Whatever”

She let out a light feminine laugh before we finally straightened ourselves and listened to the lesson. I took a side glance at Draco and noticed that he was looking at me.

He noticed I was looking at his direction, thus he gave me a smirk then mouthed come here.

Why is it whenever he does that my stomach flutters? I acted like I didn't saw it and kept my focus on the lesson.

“I prepared some concoctions this morning, any ideas of what these might be?” Professor Slughorn asked as he eyed us one by one.

My hand flew right in the air so does Clarette and Granger. Competitive little bitches, they are. I shot my blonde headed bestfriend a cheeky smile and she reciprocated.  I felt Draco's gaze on me the moment I raised my hand and I really hope Professor Slughorn would call me out.

“Yes, Miss Laurier”

My heart leaped in joy when I heard my name, Clarette groaned next to me and a victorious smile planted across my face.

I slowly went towards the desk and pointed a finger to the small pewter cauldron on the edge of the table, that is still boiling with bubbles popping “This right here is the veritaserum, it's a truth-telling serum”

All eyes went towards me as I spoke loudly with confidence, Professor Slughorn had an amused expression in his face.

I briefly stopped and point my finger down to the medium sized Iron cauldron with a pink potion next to the Veritaserum concoction, “This right here is called Amortentia, it's the most powerful love potion in the world”

I clutched my book tighter against my chest as the scent hits my senses, infatuating my mind and send shivers down my spine.

This scent. His scent. Too familiar. I know it to well.

I was almost lost to the aroma I smelled until I snap myself back in reality “It's rumoured to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them”

I hated the fact that the lid was open, it tantalized my thoughts because of the strong whiff of the scent.

“What do you smell Miss Laurier?” Professor Slughorn questioned, he had a wide grin on his face that shows a fatherly smile.

I gulped, I was caught off guard with the question.

I leaned in on the cauldron and cleared my throat “I- I smell Peppermint, Expensive Cologne―” I briefly stopped and slightly turned my shoulder around, seeing Draco had a contented smirk on his face.

I decided to play a little bit “Then I smell spearmint toothpaste and Cinnamon mousse tarts” I shot Professor Slughorn a demure smile before walking back to my spot next to Clarette.

She gave me a confused look and whispered “I know for sure you didn't smell those, Cinnamon mousse tarts doesn't go with peppermint”

She's definitely a clever witch.

I leaned in on her ear as Professor Slughorn kept on blathering about Amortentia “Glad you know”

Then I glanced at Draco and catch sight of his knuckles balling into fists. I like seeing him be annoyed, makes my day complete. I rose my brows at him before smirking to myself and proceeding to listen to the Potions Master.

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