Only Fools Love (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

'you have ruined my dress, pig!' she yelled.

The man appeared devastated the waiter had just ruined his night. The waiter pleaded while making to clean her up. Hazel resisted the waiter in a nervous state he immediately scurried off in fear.

'My dress is a mess.' she grunted. 'i must leave immediately.' the man sprang up to Hazel's height, placing a hand on Hazel's shoulder.

'i insist you be chauffeured.'

'I will stop by a friend's place.' Hazel said. She turned and left the table the man admired Hazel as she began her walk out of the restaurant. He wished he could continue to stare at her eyes, for the few minutes they spent he had noticed her cheek had a flushed freshness, and her shoulder-length, auburn hair looked newly blown dry. Trailing her was a faint fragrance of lavender. His eyes succumbed the length of her chubby torso - to her cadet blue blouse with the bra barely visible beneath, to her knee-length silk skirt, and finally to her legs accurately balanced on the wedge as they marched forward. What an epitome of beauty. He thought. Hard to imagine that she had not graced his bed, he mused to himself. He stared after her as she disappeared into a corner leading out of the restaurant. The moment his orders arrived at his table.

As Hazel reached the exit, a waiter with red stains over his clothing approached her with an empty tray over his shoulder and a stainless cover, on the other hand, he halted as he got closer to her. 'as promised?' he whispered, she looked at him 'Max you did great.' she pulled a stack of bill from her purse and gave it to the waiter. They talked a few minutes longer, and then the waiter hugged her. she made for an exit, pulled a taxi over and headed home.

The Taxi pulled over at a ten storey apartment where Hazel lived, she got out of the Taxi and slammed the door, focused on her phone, she walked into the building and took the elevator to her apartment. Hazel's apartment intended like the typical spinster style it had a couch, her favourite paintings of nature hung all over the wall, her bar and a fish pond at the corner of the room, she jumped, danced, and rushed for a drink from her minibar. I have some cash to pay off my debts and make that trip. She thought to herself. Zina had always wanted Hazel to visit the US to experience life and put her wits to test. It was a Tuesday night. Hazel prepared to hit the club till dawn. Her laptop sitting comfortably on her bar counter beeped severally, she ignored them as she struggled to fit in her jean skirt. After minutes of twisting and turning herself in the jean skirt around her waist, Hazel grabbed her laptop and stared at the screen in a shocked manner. Hazel immediately rushed to her couch and picked up her phone, it had been on silent and rung severally unnoticed, the call was from Zina, Hazel stared at the screen for a moment before deciding to call, it rang, there was no response, she dropped the phone on her couch and made for her waist strap, the phone buzzed, she sighed and walked over to the phone and picks it.

'Hazel, you should not be missing my calls,' Zina groaned.

'i did not see your call coming any time soon.'

'Marina bay is where I would like you to be at it is located in the US the rich men have their bath there.' Zina said. 'great!' Hazel moaned. After she had hung up, Hazel agitatedly searched up Marina Bay over the internet it was a Hotel and Casino, Zina claimed it flocked with wealthy men from around the world, who stopped by, for a treat. Hazel walked over to the minibar still engrossed in her device and grabbed a small pack it contained her fish feed she walked to the tank and threw the tiny grains into the water the eager fishes scrambled for the grains, she only fed them twice a week due to her schedule. Hazel tried focusing, but her thoughts reeled to her divorced husband. She had lost all she had three years ago to her divorced husband.

Greg Bill. The only man she had ever loved. The most outspoken lawyer and foreign-language specialist, he always marvelled Hazel, he was born with the love for languages. Greg had mastered six languages, including Italian, Hindi and Spanish, Hazel loved whenever he spoke, he spoke with authority and confidence.

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