Without turning on the overhead light I twist the water in the shower on, the drops hitting the tub in a rhythmic fashion, almost hypnotizing. I almost get stuck there before I shake myself back to reality and groggily turn to face the mirror.

Staring at my reflection I can see the bags under my eyes slowly come into form. Sleep has not been my strong suit recently, but it's only now starting to show. I sigh, pulling my tank top off.

Twisting to glance at my back through the quick fogging mirror, the crude mark of a Q on my back stands out against my still pale complexion. A yawn ripples through me as I straighten, staring once again at my face. The longer I glare, the clearer I see Dean standing behind me.

Wrapping his arms around my waist he ducks his head into the crook of my neck, and if it weren't for the cold air against my back I would've thought he were truly here.

I brush my teeth, the action feeling like an eternity before I'm rinsing my mouth.

Stepping out of the rest of my clothes I hop in the shower, letting the heat rake over my body. It diminishes my thoughts, the warmth being the only thing in the room.

Hands rest on my shoulders, my hands, and as I lean my head back I let the torridity wash over me.

A contented sigh escapes me, and however great my disdain for it is, I shut off the water, my skin immediately becoming cold. Exiting the shower, I wrap a towel haphazardly around myself, glancing in the now invisible mirror once more before leaving the dark room and walking back to mine.

Standing in the cold emptiness of my bedroom I can't help but smile at Sloane's loud and constant reminder that I'm not alone.

I quickly pinch my hair dry with the towel, pulling on my undergarments before slipping into the closet. I grab a white turtleneck, black cargo pants, and a long charcoal overcoat. Putting together my outfit, a yawn ripples through me, yet my eyes are wide awake and I know I won't get much sleep after that nightmare.

Tugging on a pair of socks I slip my phone into my pocket and silently find my way downstairs, to the front hall, and out the door.

I step into the cool autumn breeze and breathe in the fresh air. A chill has set in due to the mid October season, making it the perfect weather for warmer clothes. Thankfully, snow has not yet begun to fall, and if I remember correctly from my year here when I was thirteen, it shouldn't until near December.

My shoes tap against the pavement in a steady rhythm, and I focus on the sounds of my soles pelting the ground until I reach my destination.

You can hear the sounds of the Potomac before you even see the fencing keeping people away. Usually the sound is soothing, but as I come closer a flash corrupts my mind.

Through the pitch blackness of the sea around me my skin lights up.

I shiver, but the thought continues.

Sparks and flames igniting my whole body.

I shake my head harshly, but the memory repels against my sincere want.

I scream, air bubbles floating away from my mouth, and I feel myself shooting downwards, oxygen slowly depleting, until my feet meet air.

No matter how hard I try it doesn't-

Stop. Just stop. Please.

My breath hitches in my throat and my face twists as a sob threatens release. Glancing around the park all I see is an ever growing emptiness. Until my eyes land on a metal trash can.

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