6 Months Later

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These past six months hadn't been easy. After Korben's, I mean Korra's revelation a lot of changes began to happen.

The very next day she had decided that she would no longer be Korben and wanted to tell her secret to the guys.

Her outfit wasn't much different from what she usually wore except her large breast were now really noticeable. I mean really noticeable that I got scolded a few times for staring.

It wasn't my fault that my mouth watered at the sight of them and it wasn't my fault that my mind would go to the previous night and how perfect they felt in my hands.

Walking into the shop was more interesting than I expected it to be. Bolin had literally poked one of Korra's breast before she slapped him.

It wasn't a hard slap, but enough to keep the other guys from trying to find out if they were real too.

Just as sweet as I knew they all were, they accepted Korra's apology and accepted our relationship.

Even though they thought they were being sly I heard all the high fives and the "you're the man... well sort of," as I walked to the front of the tea shop.

I just rolled my eyes before I told them the plans for the next few years.

That day I had so much hope and excitement for what the future had for us that I didn't expect six months down the line it would change even if was subtle.

I won't lie it was great to have Korra in my life and for the first time I felt I really did know her and knowing the real her made me fall deeper in love with her. But...

I sighed thinking about the past month and how something seemed to be missing.

I couldn't understand it. I loved her and she loved me and all the secrets were out, but something was missing.

Senna must have sensed it too because last week she asked to go on vacation back to her hometown in the Southern Water Tribe.

I loved Senna and she had become the mother I lost when I was a kid, but like any Mother, she saw through my mask.

"Sweetie take this time to find what you are missing. I'll be back in a few weeks and you can tell me all about it."'

I loved how Senna saw me more than just Korra's girlfriend. She saw me as a daughter and I really could talk to her about anything.

"I will. Enjoy yourself and be safe ok?"

We hugged one more time before I had to leave for work.

Korra had been outside putting Senna's bags into the taxi when I finally walked out the door.

"You know you don't have to pay for this trip, Asami."

I kissed Korra and let my hand rest on her cheek.

"You know I love Senna. This is the least I can do for stealing away her daughter."

Korra chuckled as she nodded slightly.

I kissed her one more time and like the past month, it felt empty. I knew the love was there, but something was off.

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