The truth come out

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I managed to recover and improve the contract we were working on with a Fire Nation businessman, Mr. Kato. If I had been a little late or if Mr. Kato had already been too agitated with us, Future Industries would have lost a very important contract and had decided that going personally to the Fire Nation to negotiate the terms was the best way to get back into his good graces.

The trip to the Fire Nation was supposed to have only last a few days, but it ended up lasting a week. I was happy I managed to contact Mako earlier in the week to go ahead and tell the guys what was going on before anything else held me up.

Luckily nothing exceeded longer than a week and with the contract, in hand, I was happy to be returning to Republic City.

I would have to drop by Future Industries before I could go back to the shop and check up on everyone.

Well, it wasn't everyone I was interested, but someone. I hadn't seen him since I saw him kissing Kuvira and with everything going on I hadn't really had much time to think about it either.

At first, I was relieved, but now sitting here alone and finally able to let my thoughts sort through my head, I was starting to feel the same pain in my chest.

Korben's mom was wrong. He wasn't interested in me and the secret he had been keeping must have been that he was in a relationship with Kuvira.

I had promised to listen to him out, but I honestly didn't know if my heart could take it.

I sighed as the pilot told us we were now landing in Republic City.

No matter what I feel I would have to take care of it later.

I entered my father's office and we chatted for a bit before he again congratulates me on the contract.

"Asami, I just got off the phone with Mr. Kato and he was so pleased with your work he wanted to offer you to oversee a few Fire Nation government contracts he is in the process of planning and will exclusively use Future Industries for the builds."

"That's new. I didn't think Fire Nation had ever invited any engineers from other nations to work on their government projects."

"Exactly. It would be the perfect opportunity for you to make connections and not only be the first foreign engineer, but first foreign woman engineer to be invited by Fire Nation officials."

"How long do you think they would need me over there?"

"They have a large budget and a few projects at the same time so maybe a year or two to complete."

"Can I have the day to think about it?"

"Of course, just let me know."


I had tried to talk to Asami after Kuvira had left, but she wouldn't answer the door.

I had gone home after realizing she might not come out till late and I told myself I would talk to her when she came into work the next day, except she didn't.

Asami didn't come back for a few days and that was when Mako brought us together.

"Ok, guys, as you have probably noticed Asami hasn't been in these past few days. I was hoping she would be the one giving you guys this talk, but things seemed to have gotten complicated… Asami has stepped down as our manager."

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