X Marks the Spot

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HELLO MY DEARIES!!!!!!!! this is my first scary story, and i bet it will be really bad, but i hope you all like it!!!!! i thought it would be a good idea for a book.. anywas enough of me, lets get to the good stuff!!!! love,

missvicious xoxox


As a letter, X is pretty scary in itself. The lines themselves arn't worrying, its the place were they meet. a tiny pin point of black on the white paper. Also, theres the refference to pirates. And ex partners, i dont know which is scarier. And when you draw a cartoon of something dead, what shape are the eyes? Thats right, an X. I dont know why the murderer chose an X, it could be any of the reasons i just mentioned, but I dont think so. I think the reason he chose an X is because X marks the spot.

Let me tell you about the Xs that have been showing up around town, they are nothing to joke about. See, I live in a small town here. About, one thousand something residents. Its such a small town, that nobody had even ever heard of it before. Until the Marcus Decland story. I'm not gunna go on about Marcus, so heres the summery: childhood best friend turned international pop star. I know right? So exiting! Not quite, lets continue. Marcus was getting back from his world tour, coming home to see his parents in the tiny town were he used to live. I visited him that day, the day before everything started. That was 32 weeks ago. That tuesday night, while the town was sleeping, a man came into his room. Marcus didnt see him. He had a knife. The man pressed lightly into Marcuses skin, waking him up, drawing an X on his neck. Marcus woke up, but the man was gone. The whole world was puzzled as to why that had happened, Marcus told me he thought it gave him a bad boy look, haha. But a six days after he had gotten the X, on a monday night, the man came back. They found Marcuses body in his bed, the knife had been put in directly where the tow lines of the X crossed. On the wall next to the bed, the man had writtin the 'rules' in blood, and it said:

This will go on for 50 weeks. Each tuesday night a patient will recieve the X, the next monday he will be executed. There is no reason I am doing this, the patients will be chosen at random. You cant stop it, and beleive me, you do not want to try. Your last words will be written above your place of death in your blood, so if you have anything left to say, i can do that for you. Time to go into panic stations, isolation, what ever you wish. but remember,

X marks the spot

Now there are 32 less members of this town.  They didnt listen, tried to stop it, it didnt work. Some live in there basements, protecting there families, some even to paranoid to have families anymore. They have tried sleeping with guns, knives, moving out of town, everything. X still manages to get in, and get out. Some have see him, but he is always wearing the same thing, a glowing white unstained tuxedo, and a black bandit hat. The police have tired to stop it, with no luck. The media have focused only on it, especialy on the last words. Ahh, they have been quite interestig them selves. Some have said pleasant goodbyes to the family, some not so pleasant, telling them things they were to afraid to say before. The young patiens have mostly used it for there will, which they didnt think they would have to write for a long time, they were wrong. One 6 year old boy even said 'Bye mommy', that was the worst. It got the whole town into an even bigger hysteria. Me? Well, I had given up trying to escape it. All I could really do it hope and pray its not me next week. Unluchy me. Yes, everyone this is the story of how I, Candice Montgomery, was an X patient.


hope you can handle the scariness, lol. comment votes fans please??? love,

vish xoxoxoxoxoox

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