Mirio Togata X Tamaki Amajiki

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Caregiver: Mirio

Little: Tamaki


Tamaki POV:

I feel their eyes on me, their judgment. I keep staring at the clock, watching the hands slowly move, the voices of the teacher and my classmates become muffled as I become swallowed by thoughts. Thoughts of failing as a hero, those that I love being disappointed in me and leaving. No matter how hard I try, I can't stop the thoughts, the sick feeling in my stomach, and the pains in my chest, I just want to disappear. I want to run away and cuddle with my plushies, I want to disappear into a world where I feel free of the pain and anxiety.

I think my worries became visible because I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, it made me jump. I looked to see who it was, it was Mirio. He handed me a small note.

'Are you alright?'

I stared at the note, unsure of what to say. Part of me wanted to admit how I was feeling, I wanted to tell Mirio what was going on, but the feelings got so frustrating and so complex that if I were to say anything, I knew I would slip.

I would slip into little space.

I continued to contemplate what to write back, but before I could even pick up my pencil, I got another note.

'Class is almost over, you can get through it, my little suneater. Daddy's here'

My face became flushed, I felt some of my worries melt away, Mirio, my boyfriend, who's also my caregiver always seemed to make me feel better.

His words felt genuine, he radiates this calming but bright energy that always manages to make people smile. When he smiles, you can't help but feel your heart melt. I just want to cuddle him and feel his warm embrace.

My thoughts were then cut off by the sound of the bell and students shuffling out the door. Mirio stands up and stands in front of my desk "Come on, let's go to my dorm." He says in his usual cheery voice, I nod and follow him to his dorm, resisting the urge to grab hold of his soft hands.

When we get there, Mirio grabs the keys from his bag that has a little sun keychain attached to it. I got it for him as a gift on our first date, I never realized that used it. It made me so happy, I couldn't help but smile.

We go inside Mirio's dorm, it was simple looking, a couple of hero posters were taped to the walls. He makes his way to his closet and pulls out a pastel blue box with a sparkly ribbon on it.

"What's that?" I asked him, tilting my head slightly.

"I thought I'd get a box for your little things, just in case." He smiled at me, it made my heart skip a beat, I wish I could always see him smile.

"Weawy? (Really?)" I slowly let myself slip, I was finally able to let my guard down now that it was just Mirio and me.

"Of course, sunshine." He picked me up and placed me on the bed.

"Now, why don't we change you out of those big boy clothes." I nodded and bounced a little.

He began undressing me and changed me into a soft, grey, koala onesie.

I giggled and clapped my hands "Daddy daddy!! I a kuwawa! (Daddy daddy!! I'm a koala)" I bounced around happily. I lifted up my arms "Uppie, pwease (Carry me, please)" I said, extending the S.

Mirio's POV:

I chuckled at my little suneater and picked him up, he wraps his arms and legs around me, he's so precious, I wish I could hold him like this all the time. "Such good manners, I think someone deserved a reward!" He looks up at me with wide eyes "Weawy?! (Really?!)" He asks.

"Of course! You've been such a good boy, daddy's so proud of you" Tamaki smiled widely and hugged me tighter "Fank chu, daddy!!! (Thank you, daddy!!!)"

I kiss his cheek and set him down on the rug with his toys "I'll let you watch cartoons, you can stay with daddy tonight." Tamaki must have liked that idea because he squealed and clapped his hands with his sleeves.

"Daddy will be right back, alright? I'm just going to get you some milk." I knew that if I didn't tell him, he'd get worried, and I hated seeing my little one feeling that way. I want to protect him from all the pain, or at least make him feel better, I want him to feel safe with me like he can be himself without thinking about what others will think.

I grab one of his favorite bottles, it's covered in butterflies, and pour warm milk in it, I add a little bit of vanilla and sugar since he doesn't like the taste of regular milk.

I come back and see that Tamaki is distracted with his building blocks and plushies, but it doesn't take him long to notice I'm back "Daddy wook! I mades a towew. (Daddy look! I made a tower)" I smile at how cute he looks "It looks amazing, buba! My little koala is very talented." He quickly hides his blushing face behind his sleeves, I quickly scooped him up and put him down on my lap. "Now, what cartoon does my little sunshine want to watch?" He ponders for a moment then perks up "Gawfiewd!! (Garfield!!!)!" Tamaki was usually really quiet and shy, but when he's little, he gets really hyper and is the cutest cuddle-bug.

I turn on the small tv and watch as my little suneater gets absorbed by the colorful characters, all I can see at the moment is his happy expression, sucking on the milk bottle. I can't believe I was lucky enough to call Tamaki mine.

Tamaki lays his head on my shoulder, slowly drifting off to sleep. I grab a soft blanket that covered with animal patterns and wrap us up in it, then turn the TV off.

"Goodnight, my little suneater." I say softly, holding Tamaki close.

God, I love him.

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