What did I just do

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I woke up to the sound of clatter. I jumped at the sound of something tapping on my window and sprung out of bed. "OH  MY GOD." I jumped out of bed and pushed my sheets off of me too go look out of my widow. Thin I saw him. Slender man. Him in the flesh. I was so scared I immediately jumped down on the floor and trued not to make a sound until I fell asleep on the floor. 

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing for and alarm. I was in my bed. 'I could have sworn that I was on the floor' I thought to myself. 'Welp, whatever I have to go to school.' I got up and walked to my bathroom to get ready for the day.


I was at school in the hallway because it was raining and my bully came over. "Oi bitch." She yelled walking over to me. "Huh oh, hi." I said looking away from her. " You missed you beat up yesterday. Now you are gonna get a double beat." She said clenching her fist. 'Really double beat . Even I can do better that that. At least make a good name.' I thought to myself. "Oi, get your fat ass over here!" She yelled and I sat up and started walking over to her. Then that feeling I go yesterday came back. It felt different. It felt stronger. Like I need to kill her but I just left it be. I was right in her face and she punched me to the floor. I got up and grabbed a pencil and stabbed it right in to her arm and through her right thigh. She fell screaming and crying. "WHY ARE YOU SMILING!"one kid said running up to my bully and pushed me out of the way. But before he could get to her I stabbed the pencil right into her left eye. I kept on stabbing and stabbing. Her eye was bleeding and the only thing that I new that I was doing was smiling this big smile. She was screaming so loud it caused people to look at me and record the fight. Some kid whiny to go get one of my teachers. The teacher came up to me and peeled me away from her. I was covered in her warm blood. I was laughing like a psycho. I looked around I saw my bully losing blood and the nurse said that she has a small chance of making it because she was loosing a lot of blood. People came to hold me down. I was still laughing. The cops came and cuffed me to bring me to the police station to ask me questions. 


I was in the cop car pulling up to the police station. My mom and dad were their. Once that got a look at me both of them gasped. I looked down because I new exactly what they were thinking. "Your co  g with me." Some cop told me. I just nodded my head and as don as I walked in everyone was looking at me with a terrified look on their face. I was led to a room full of soft padding on the walls and floor. They just sat me on the floor and looked the door. I saw my mom and dad walk into a room with a few of cops they were in their for a wile. Then I hear the door open.

Run Jeff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now