Why Here?!?!

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I make it to school just before the bus leaves. I climb on and here Flash yell, "Hey Penis! Why are you so late? Were you too busy hanging out with Captain America?" Some of the other kids laughed but I just went to the seat Ned was at.

 "Hey! Are you excited? I can't wait!" He said energetically in my ear.

 I roll my eyes and answer, "Ned, you know that field trips have never gone my way..."

 He nods but adds, "Maybe this one will be different."



Mr. Harrington calls out, "We're here!" We all rush to the windows to get a good view of the mystery place. It turns out it is... my house?!?! My eyes are wide in shock, I turn to Ned. He seems surprised too.

 MJ leans forward from the seat behind us and mumbles, "You're screwed." I nod and think about running away from this field trip too. 

 "Hey Penis! How does it feel to know that you're about to get exposed?" Everybody turns to me and I just sit there, dying on the inside.

 Mr. Harrington speaks up, "Come on everyone! We don't have time to waste!" 

 We all pile out of the bus with our bags. I can't believe I'm about to go on a tour of my own home! And to make it worse, my family! They are going to embarrass me or they're going to find out how bad everyone treats me. I want the bullying to stop, but I don't want them to find out about it! I'm a superhero!

 We head into the building and while everyone is looking around in awe, I try to spot anything I should be suspicious about. I don't spot anything, so I hope the Avengers don't know about this either... 

"Hello! My name is Julie and I'll be your guide! First we must get badges so we can enter the other floors! Okay? Okay!" A woman yells out, a little too excited for a tour. She waves around a ton of badges and starts passing them out. I just pull mine out of my bag. I already have one because, well I live here. 

 Julie finishes passing them out to everyone but me. She seems to have recognized me so she just smiles and waves happily. I just show a small smile and look away. Betty starts waving her arms rapidly, "Miss! Miss! What does the color mean? Are they color coded or something?"

 Julie smiled and answered with pep in her voice, "Yes! I'm so glad you asked! You all have light green! That means you are guests/tour. You have access to only a few floors including: Intern Labs 1-3, the cafeteria, guests quarters, and last but definitely not least... Avengers training room!" The class squeals. I inwardly groan, I really hope we don't go to all those places. "Don't worry, we're going to each one of those stops!" I hate irony...

 "Next color is dark green: low level interns, light blue: high level interns, dark blue: janitors/cleaning staff, black: security, then it's red: Avengers!" Everyone nods in understanding. 

 She walks through a scanner and a voice speaks up, "Julie Payne- Danger Level: 12%, Business: Tour Guide, Level: Light Green, Welcome Julie." Some of the kids jumped at the invisible woman. 

 Julie spoke up, "Sorry! That's just FRIDAY, Mr. Stark's AI." They nodded and started going through.

 Soon Betty went, "Betty Brant- Danger Level: 19%, Business: Tour, Level: Light Green, Welcome Betty." She grinned and skipped over to the rest of the group that had already gone through.

 "Eugene Thompson- Danger Level: 26%, Business: Tour, Level: Light Green, Welcome Eugene." He smirked at his danger level and strut over to the others.

 "Ned Leeds- Danger Level: 21%, Business: Tour, Level: Light Green, Welcome Ned." He fist bumped me and giggled at his danger level. 

 "Michele Jones- Danger Level: 29%, Business: Tour, Level: Light Green, Welcome Michele." Everybody gawked at how much more dangerous she was from everyone else. She didn't even acknowledge it.

 Next is my turn... Please take pity on me FRIDAY! "Peter Parker- Danger Level: 74%, Business: Tour, Level: Red, Also Known As: Spi-" "Shut up FRIDAY! Welcome Peter." Karen somehow cut in at the perfect time. I let out a breath I was apparently holding. The whole class was staring in shock. Oh yeah... I'm pretty dangerous I suppose. I shuffled to Ned and MJ. 

 Flash started shouting, "Why does Penis have a red level?!?! And why is that wimp SO dangerous?!?!?" No one answered, we all just shrugged and tried to forget about it.

 Julie broke the silence, "Um okay... lets start the tour." We piled into two elevators. I just hope nothing too bad happens...

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