english class / free period

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[a/n: welcome to chapter 2]

rei pov:
it was the next day and i was dragging kitoshi to our class after homeroom, english class. we sat down in our assigned seats, next to eachother. as a certain red-head sat in his, next to kitoshi, i smirk at her as class starts.

kitoshi pov:
i slightly glare at rei as class is starting and lean my head on my hand. the teacher then starts talking about a project coming up, where we have to make up two ideas, with a partner, and create a story with both of them. me and rei look at eachother as other students start whispering amongst themselves but then the teacher clears his throat.

"i will be assigning partners" now he was supposedly the cool teacher, so maybe i'll get a good pairing. he starts to list off the names as i hear rei get partnered with taiyo, who is on the other side of the classroom so she walks over there. soon enough i hear my name "kitoshi and tendou" he says as the redhead beside me looks over, i look over at him and he moves his desk next to mine. he starts blabbing about how we should do something like demon slayer, or some other manga/anime. i interrupt him by saying "what if we did a type of wonderland thing?" he looks up at me, "that sounds great! but we should add demons like in demon slayer!" i nod as i start writing these things down and smiling a bit. i grab a computer from the cart next to the window and start typing out the story.

tendou pov:
i lean my chin on my arms as i just watch kitoshi type on the keyboard, she types so fast as if her life depends on it, and she's got this focused expression like she has an idea and is about to lose it. i sit up in my seat and lean back against the wall, slowly closing my eyes involuntarily, soon enough i feel my head tilt and fall asleep.

kitoshi pov:
i feel a weight gain on my shoulder and look over to see tendo, asleep, i feel my face heat up a bit as i look away after taking a quick picture, for blackmail purposes only, and continue typing out our story.  soon enough i see taiyo and rei trying to get my attention and smirking an pointing to my shoulder. i roll my eyes at them as the bell rings. i save the draft and close the computer, i then nudge tendo as he slowly wakes up, he sits up rubbing his eyes and i get up to put away the computer. when i get back, he's moved his desk back and rei is waiting for me. i grab my bag, say goodbye to tendo and we head to our next class.

rei pov:
when we got to lunch, i could feel a pair of eyes on me as we sat down, i look around and see semi quickly look down at his table, kitoshi eyes me and smirks when i look back at her.

"so you do have a cru-" she starts but i cut her off "shut up! no i do not" i start eating my food and go on my phone. she starts eating as taiyo and saruhi sit down. we start talking about the english project and our ideas for our own projects as kitoshi looks behind me. "don't look now but, semi's coming over here" she states and goes back to eating her food. i look quickly behind me and there is semi, looking nervous. "hey, i heard from saruhi you wanted to learn drums? i can teach you, like during free period in the music club room" i can see his face turns a bit red and he rubs the back of his neck.  i can hear the girls behind me snickering, and kitoshi trying not to die of laughter. i look behind me and glare at them a bit and look back at semi, "uhm yea sure, do you wanna just meet there at free period?" he nods and heads back to the volleyball table, where yamagata and tendo tease him, loud enough to where we can hear, i turn back around to look at the girls all smirking at me. "stop that!" my face flushes a bit as i go back to eating. free period today was at the end of the day, last period. throughout the day kitoshi and hato, who got informed during gym class were teasing me all day.

-gym class-

i could see kitoshi walking over to hato who has just changed and whisper something to her, i walk over and hato immediately squeals. "you have a date with semi!!" i blush a bit and cover her mouth. "i do not! he's just teaching me drums during free period!" i uncover her mouth and she's grinning. "if you don't get outside 5 minutes after school gets out, i'm leaving you with semi at the school" kitoshi says as i look over to her, seeing her smirking. we look around the gym and see who's in our class, reon, taiyo, ushiwaka, and yamagata. i can see kitoshi look over at me and we make eye contact, she then motions with her head towards hato, who's busy tying her shoes, then towards reon. i look over at him and he's supposedly looking at hato. i look back at kitoshi and see her smirking. i shake my head at her and we go to our "spots" and start warming up.

-free period-

me and kitoshi has just gotten out of math, and she was teasing me all the way to the music clubroom, that's where she left me off and headed towards the bleachers for the gym with her sketchbook in hand. i sigh and walk into the music clubroom and sit in there until a certain ash-colored haired boy walks in and places his backpack down, his face flushes when he looks over at me and clears his throat. "right so sit on the chair and i'll just be behind you." i get up from the floor and sit on the seat as he went behind me, standing. soon enough he has labeled each of the drums and pointed out how 'he knows that they look like something that a kid would have on a toy drum set' but he points out how it's how he learned. soon enough, i had got the hang of it and we just started to hang out, having about 20 minutes of an hour class left. we just sat on the floor comparing out playlists, adding songs to each one. we eventually got to going through each other's playlists and writing down songs we liked on them. i was on his phone, done looking through the top playlist and was scrolling through the others, i saw one labeled as 'her' i looked at it and there were tons of love songs, so he likes someone?, we soon gave eachother our phones back and i got up, there were about 2 minutes left until the ending bell. he also got up and grabbed his bag, as we exchanged numbers, i walked downstairs and met kitoshi, on her phone listening to music, texting someone. she looks up and spots me as we start making our way to the dorms, her teasing me and asking questions the whole way.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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