A liquid flew down my throat and I swallowed it with all the strenght in the inside, that was left.

,,(y/n), I want you to listen to me. I know you can still hear me. Some of your body parts are numb, which I assume you know. Now be careful and as soon as you feel them again with the power of the potion I gave you, you have to stay still. At least one minute. If you don't stay still and move, you can die. This is serious, (y/n). Your disease is not a joke. I haven't seen something like that in ages, but believe me, there were students, who didn't listen and were just excited to move again. One minute later they died. Please please don't do that. Now take a rest." She said and left.

I tried to process everything she said. I'll die if I move? What if I move accidentally? Even if I just open my eyes? I have a disease? I'll ask 'bout it later. People already died?

I was overthinking and such, then I heard someone walking in.

,,Yes, you can." Madame Pomfrey answered the mysterious person's question I didn't hear.

The person pulled a chair and sat next to my bed.

I felt a cold hand caress my cheek. The person's cold rings brushed against my warm cheek and that was when I realized; Malfoy.

I would really like to speak to him right now. Saying something like 'You're  confusing me' or 'What do you want, Malfoy?!' Or something, but I couldn't.

,,(y/n)?" He said, hoping me to answer.

,,I don't know if you do, but if you hear me, I want you to listen to me, please?" He asked.

,,I- I'm so sorry to cause you that. I know I did, because I heard you collapse, but didn't help. And I'm so so sorry. I feel bad and you have the right to be mad at me when you wake up. I was just mad at- at... I don't even know anymore, but please forgive me. I- I didn't help you, even though I heard you hit the ground and I feel so infinitely bad. And again and again I'm so sorry." I heard him crying slightly.

Wait, he heard me? But he didn't come? How could he?

I was disappointed. Very disappointed and I will be mad when I wake up, but for now I can't to anything against it. I can't do anything, but listen to Draco Malfoy apologizing.

Rare, yet not comforting.

,,I didn't mean it. I really didn't, (y/n). With the 'stay away from me' and 'I don't like you'. I do, I do like you, (y/n). I really do and you have to believe me."

He cupped my cheeks. Then I could feel his soft lips touch my forehead. He let his lips a few seconds there, then pulled away.

,,I'm sorry, but she already has a visitor." I heard Madame Pomfrey say from a distance.

,,Who would that be?" Hermione came. Perhaps she calmed down and wanted to check on me.

,,I have to go, (y/n). I hope you forgive me." He whispered and stood up. I heard footsteps. Draco walking away and Hermione approaching.

,,Malfoy? What are you doing here?" She hissed.

,,None of your buisness, mudblood." He said harshly and Hermione gasped, which I would've done either if I hadn't been laying here.

,,I-" he began, but walked simply away.

,,Git" I heard Hermione mumble and the doors to the hospital wing shut.

,,(y/n)" Hermione rushed over and sat at probably the same chair.

,,Madame Pomfrey said you can hear me. So I wanted to apologize-"

Oh man, more apologizes. I don't understand it, it's my fault. I should be the one, who's apologizing. I'm dragging people into my mess. None of them should be here. They should be learning for the O.W.L's, but no.

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