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"Emilia this is my mother, Polly" Michael introduced leaving the two ladies to start a conversation "What's your last name?" Polly asked pouring herself a cup of tea, "Finnwood" Polly stopped turning to the girl. "Are you by any chance related to Rosaline Finnwood?" Emilia nodded.

"She's my mother" Polly spat out some of her tea scanning Emilia head to toe. "She doesn't have a daughter"Polly advanced closer as Emilia nodded again. "She had me isolated and living with my grandmother before she went missing" Emilia explained as Polly began cleaning up the puddle of tea on the floor listening.

"Wait, Wait Rosaline's missing?" Polly cut off Emilia "She's been missing for nine years" Polly placed her hand on her waist. "Nine years"Emilia then nodded again for the third time, "I believe she is alive and is just missing many said she's dead but they never found her body"

"Why did you decide to join the peaky blinders, that's what I want to know?" Emilia sipped her tea frantically. "My son or what grew to be him got kidnapped right under my eyes"  "Someone pretended to be his mother and took him" Polly who was known to be cold to outsiders suddenly felt sorry for the girl patting her back.

"It's okay" Emilia assured grabbing a newspaper scanning it for clues in the daily paper the words, Don't look for me was found in a sentence as Emilia smiled at her mother's persistence. "What are you doing?" "Talking to my mother" Polly then got up, "Didn't you say she's missing" "She is but my mother taught me how to decipher codes and secret messages she doesn't want me to find her" Emilia explained and headed to the mail boy giving him a message.

"Lass would you please explain to me what's going on?" Polly asked eagerly as Emilia sat back down, "My mother doesn't want me to find her but she wants me too so she's leaving clues that she left behind" Polly nodded finally understanding.

"So is Michael courting you__" It was now Emilia turn to spit out her tea as she shook her head, "Oh come on I see the way he looks at you" Polly teased as Emilia ignored that. "I and your mother were friends we even made a bet that if we had children they would marry each other" Emilia shooked her head again as Polly laughed.

"You don't look like your mother you know" Emilia cleaned the spilled tea on the floor, "I know my mother tells me I look like my father, who I've never met" Polly gasped, "You haven't met your father?" "No, I was taken by my grandmother when I was born".

"Your father was a real asshole when he was ready but also sweet at the same time" Emilia didn't know if she should laugh or cry, she just spilled her entire life to Polly a woman she was just introduced barely five minutes ago.


"Here" Michael coughed out handing a velvet box to Emilia, opening the box the same bracelet Emilia had given to the drunken man was in it shining brighter and brighter. Emilia raised an eyebrow questioningly. "I saw how you sacrificed your bracelet so I brought you a new one" Michael bluntly said as Emilia's mouth opened.

"You didn't have to, I was fine without it" staring at the shiny bracelet. "No, you deserve it" Michael raised his gaze locking with Emilia as her heart fluttered lightly.

' No I cannot fall in love again at least not yet, I need to find Edward and my mother those are my two goals' Emilia repeated to her conscience that seemed shaken up by Michael's presence the way he would smile or grin left her heart fluttering or being close to him also left it hammering against her ribs.

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