Futaro gets a fever

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Next Morning, Futaro felt that his body was heavier than before, but when he looked around. The Quints weren't there, He slowly raised himself up but he felt hot and was feeling heavy, he stood up and went outside, and went downstairs, he saw that The Quints were watching tv shows,

"Ohayo Gozaimasu"
-Futaro said

"Ohayo Futaro/Uesugi-san/Fuu-kun"
-The Quints said

"We waited for you till you wake up so we can eat together"
-Nino said

"Aww, Thanks Nino"
-He replied

But as soon the quints stood up (thud) they heard something and turned around only to see their boyfriend fainted, They quickly rushed over to him and started worrying about him, for Futaro he slept back

Few hours later, we woke up only to see a wet towel on his forehead, and 5 girlfriends looking at him, after he woke up the quints started asking questions to what happened and also worried.

"Fue, Are you alright?", "Fuu-kun, your fine right?", "Don't die on me Uesugi-san!!!", "you know you didn't have to add that right?"

"Besides what time is it?"
-Futarou asked

-Miku replied

"What? I slept that long! ugh...I'm so sorry you guys..."
-Futarou said with a bit of guilty tone

"It's okay, as long you are okay. That's what matters"
-Itsuki said

"Ugh...I think I got my fever from my fall yesterday"
-Futaro said

And as soon Yotsuba heard it, She started worrying too much and apologized too many times

"Yotsuba, Like I said. You are forgiven"
-He said

"Here, take some Biogesic"
-Itsuki said

Futaro got the small drug pill(I dont know what are those pill-structure drug thing where its dusty when crushed) and swallow it and drank water handed over by Itsuki

"Let's kill some time by watching Romance Movies"
-Ichika said

-said from Futarou with a sarcastic tone

"You know you can sleep through the whole thing."
-Nino replied

"I'll prepare the food"
-Miku said

"I'll get our big blanket"
-Yotsuba said

Few Minutes later, they got their essential items

"Blanket check, Food nom...nom check, Movie check and thats it"
-Itsuki said

"Futarou, can you sit upright?"
-Miku asked

Futarou, slowly sit upright and the girls saw his visible pain moving through his head

"Fuu-kun, are you really alright?"
-Nino asked worriedly

"Yes, I'm fine you don't know have to keep worrying"
-He said

"Atleast I care about you"
-Nino replied with a pout

"Shhh It's starting"
-Yotsuba said

The all watch the movie, half way through the movie. Ichika felt like something was on her chest, She saw it was Futarou who slept leaning on her. She played with his hair and etc. Yotsuba said

"Aww But I want to play with Futarou's hair"

"He leaned to my side"
-Ichika said

Few Hours later, Futarou suddenly woke up. He felt well, there is no struggle, no headache and more. He noticed the TV was left on, and he saw that The Quints fell asleep.

"There so cute when they sleep"
-He wondered

He got up and went to Nino's room to prepare the futon's for them to sleep and went back down. He got Yotsuba who was snoring loudly and went up, he put her down and gave her a kiss on the forehead, He got Miku and repeated with the rest of the girls, while for Itsuki. He struggled on going up due to her weight but he got her to her futon and he went to his futon and fell asleep.
Sup, Online School for me is in 3 days. So I'll try finishing one last story before going back through my books

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