A loud explosion ringed in your ears. To the sound of the explosion came the terrible echo. You began to cry again. Celeste whipped her head to where the booming sound came from. She glanced back at you as her smile faded. She stood up, raising her hand as if she was about to cast a spell. "Fallen Angel's Gate!"

A portal appeared behind you. The woman carried you in your wicker bassinet through the portal. Her body was halfway through. Celeste brought a hand to your cheek. "Farewell [Y/n], my beloved daughter. I'm sorry that I can't go with you. Sadly, I won't get to see you grow up, but I wish you the very best. I love you..." her voice was soft. She went back through the portal, disappearing along with it.

'Wait!' You didn't understand why your heart ached. You didn't even know this woman. Or did you? You were wailing uncontrollably in front of a familiar-looking old church.

"[Y/n]..." a voice echoed in your ears in a whisper.

"[Y/n]"  there it was again.


Reader pov:


My body shot upward as I breathed heavily. I look up to see Yuno. He was wearing his Golden Dawn robe over his black turtle neck and beige pants. His brows were knitted in concern as he stood next to my bed. My breathing slowed down as I realized that I was back in my room. The blinding sun hit my face, causing me to squint.

"Are you okay?" Yuno asked. I raised my brow in confusion, wondering why he was in my room and why he was asking me if I was okay.

"Yuno?.." I croaked. "What are you doing here? and what do you mean?"

"I came to check up on you and wake you up. Knowing you, you would normally oversleep and be late," the ravenette said bluntly. "And, you looked like death."

I pursed my lips. "Thanks, tall tree sloth," I swung my legs over the side of my bed, stretching my arms out as I got on my feet. "And it's really nothing to worry about. Honest."

"Boke. You were practically sobbing and kept murmuring things. You're telling me that 'it's really nothing to worry about'?" He had a stoic expression on his face.

My hand darted up to my face, connecting with my cheek. Surely enough, it was wet. My eyes widened. I cringed, wiping my face with my arms to get rid of the tear tracks. I glanced back at my bed to see a tear-stained pillow. Why was I crying? It wasn't even a nightmare...right? I don't even know who those people are. So why do I feel like I have such a deep connection with them? How did they even know my name? What happened to the woman that called me her daughter? I furrowed my brows as I was deep in thought. I stood there with my back facing Yuno.

"[Y/n]." the amber-eyed male blurted, bringing me back to my senses. I blinked once or twice before turning to the ravenette with a reassuring smile. "It's fine. It was just night-terror."

"If you don't wanna tell me, that's fine. You should get ready, I'll wait for you outside," Yuno walked to the door, opening it before stepping out. As the door closed behind him, I sighed. I honestly didn't know what that dream was about or why I remember it clearly. I would normally forget about my dreams. Odd.

I threw on my Golden Dawn robe over a random outfit that I picked out [Authors note above this chapter].  I walked to the door with my grimoire in hand. I turned the silver nob, swinging it open. Yuno stood beside the door with his arms crossed.

"Let's go," before I could say anything, the ravenette spoke. I nodded as Yuno walked in front of me. We walked down the halls, going down a few stairs before we reached the lounge. We saw Klaus and Naila chatting by a pillar as we advanced towards them. Naila grinned as she saw me, waving her hand enthusiastically. I waved back with a smile. Klaus, on the other hand, just stood there with his arms crossed.

"Ohayo [Y/n]!" the blonde-haired woman shouted, forming an 'O' shape with her hands over her mouth.

"Ohayo Naila-senpai!" I continued to wave as we finally got to them.

"Alright, let's cut to the chase, shall we?" Klaus spoke, pushing up his glasses. "Magic Knights have a noble duty, protecting the Kingdom from various threats, such as invasions from foreign countries, to local crimes within the Kingdom itself. These duties are treated as missions that can be accomplished by any Magic Knight, where they could nominate themselves for the duty, or be nominated by a higher-ranked Magic Knight."

Naila nodded as Klaus explained our duties as Magic Knights. I noticed the blonde-haired woman looking at me weird. Her brow was raised as she was frowning at me. "Ano... Naila-senpai, why are you looking at me like that?"

"[Y/n], have you been crying?"

I froze, glancing at Yuno. He had his normal stoic look on his face as he glanced back at me. "Oh, no, why do you ask?" I turned my attention back to my senior, forcing a smile.

"Your eyes are slightly red, and there are small pink streaks on your face," she explained, furrowing her brows.

"She's right, and your eyes are kinda puffy too... not that I care," Klaus stared down at me, observing my face. I chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. Yuno stayed silent. I didn't think that Naila was this observant. I was about to say something until a voice interrupted me.

"Klaus, Naila, did you explain their duties as Magic Knights?"

I turned to where the voice was coming from. It was captain Vangeance. I sighed in relief, knowing that I was safe for now. Both of my seniors did the Magic Knights' salute, holding three fingers in front of their chest. The three fingers symbolized the clover. I read a book about it once. "Yes, captain," Klaus and Naila responded in unison.

"Good. Now, would the two of you please follow me?" the captain pointed at Yuno and I, indicating to follow him.

We both nodded, trailing behind the masked captain.

"As the two of you should know, as a Magic Knight, you have duties that are treated as missions. I wanted to wait to give the two of you your first mission, but something came up. I thought it would be the perfect opportunity," captain Vangeance spoke. "Do you accept?"

"Yes, sir," Yuno responded, saluting to the captain. I mimicked the ravenette's actions. I honestly wasn't surprised to be given a mission on the first day. We are Magic Knights, after all...it's our duty. I wondered what the mission was about as we continued to follow the captain.

To be continued...


[A/n]: Kinda short chapter because next chapter is the continuation. It would take too long to write the whole first mission thing in this chapter because there's gonna be some fight scenes plus I haven't fully planned it out yet so I decided to make it two parts


Also, school started again and I have like two assignments due on Wednesday and I haven't even started lksjliufdleshkb next chapter might be published later than 1-4 days because I acc need to focus more on school I honestly just hate online classes like I can't focus a lot, but yeah sorry if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes

Anywhooo see yall next chapter

word count: 2785

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