Chapter 1

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"Parker what's taking you so long, I asked for my ice tea 15 minutes ago and its been at least 30 minutes if not 40,"  my voice rang through the house and soon enough I heard my brothers footsteps echo up the stairs.

"You know sis," he began to talk as he entered my room, " just because you have to study for midterms doesn't make me your slave."

By now he's sitting on my bed cross legged, probably ready to drone on and on about how I use him as my slave and make him do all my work and how annoying I've gotten since I turned 16. Before he could begin, I got up and made my way over to the bed.

"Get out of my room, I still have to study," I pointed my finger towards the door hoping to empthasize how much I wanted him to get out.

 "I'm going, I'm going," he got up and headed towards the door, he paused just before he walked out, "oh and mom told me to tell you that since your midterms start at 8:00 she won't be able to drive you to school, so you'll need to find someone else to drive you,"

"Ok whatever, I'll figure it out," I said with a hint of annoyance, of course she can't drive me, Typical. Slolwy, I walked back to my desk, to check the time on the clock, 7:00. Shit, I still have to study 3 chapters for bio, find a ride, and get dressed.

Soon enough it was already 7:30 and I was on my hands and knees searching for my phone. So far I had looked on my desk,  my dresser, on top of the bed, under the bed, in my bathroom, and now I had resorted to looking on the floor. In the past 30 minutes I had accomplished nothing, nothing at all. I was still wearing my pajamas, trying to find my phone so I could find someone to drive me, and now 40 minutes away from failing my bio exam.

My hand grazed over something hard, ugh finally, my phone. Quickly I checked to make sure there was nothing important I had missed while my phone had been missing. Nothing, just some pointless texts from my friends, per usual. Now, time to find someone to drive me. SInce it was already 7:40 I assumed that everyone had already left for school or were already there, so I texted Jake who is always at school a minute before the bell rings.

Me: Hey I was wondering if you could take me to school today?

Now time to get dressed. By the time I had thrown on a pair of old leggings and a Notre Dame sweatshirt Jake had texted back.

Jakey: Sure I'll be there in 5

Me: Kk thanks!

Great, just enough time to grab a banana and get outside to meet him.


As I was shutting my front door, I turned my head to the sound of an engine revving loudly. Seconds later a huge black Range Rover came flying by from behind the trees, almost running into Jakes car, which was coming up towards my house. That was weird I thought, I've never seen anyone drive that type of car around here before.

Jake pulled up into my driveway, almost running over my mailbox and a few stray bushes surrounding it, typical. I ran to his car, hopping into the front seat.

"Hey," I said a small blush appearing as I looked at Jake. He was wearing his usual. Tight khakis with a white fleece, and ugg slippers. He looked so cute.

"Hey Liv, so is there a reason that I'm driving you to school or did you just need some Jake time?" he asked with a smug smile on his face. His lisp really showing when he spoke the world school.

"Mom couldn't drive me and you were my last recource," he nodded along laughing towards the end.

"You can deny it all you want but we all know I was your first recource," shaking my head at him, I reached my hand across the center consul and playfullying whacked his shoulder.

"You wish," I told him.

The rest of the car ride was silent, except for the ocasional swear coming from Jakes mouth. The closer we got to school the more I could feel my stomache tighten. Since I had no more time to study for bio because of  my phone going missing and considering I already had a D, I know I was going to fail, which was giving me anxiety.

The sudden jolt from the car flying up onto the curb pushed me out of my thoughts. Once again Jake had gone up onto the curb while parking, which meant we were at school. Time to go take the dreadful Bio exam.



Sorry I have't been updating and sorry this is really short. But I've been so busy with starting school and exams and my horseback riding that I have had no time to do anything. But thanks to the stomache flu I finnaly ahd time to sit down and write. YAY!! sorry if this sucks but I hope you enjoy. Next chapter will hopefully be up quicker than this one and I'm hoping to update Heartache and Soulmate soon!!

Love you guys

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2015 ⏰

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