"Anything happens to her and I'll kill you!" Bakugo yelled from in his room. You all roll your eyes and take the bus to the mall.

"Glad to hear Hawks is okay." Momo smiled at you. You smile and nod.

"Let's go shopping!!" Mina squealed as she grabbed your hand and dragged you towards a new dress store. A female tailor met you at the door and helped you look around. Mina quickly found a cute, long pink dress that almost matched her skin. Momo found a maroon dress that of course showed off her amazing figure. Tsuyu found a cute green dress that was just her style. You looked some more and finally found a blue fade to black dress. It was long and had a small slit up your right leg. It hugged your waist and but but the lady had to of course take in the chest to fit better. "Can you come back in an hour? It should be ready by then."

"Yeah! Let's go grab lunch and find the boys!" Mina dragged you to the food court. You all got food and sat and ate. Eventually the boys found you and joined. You all laughed and talked untill some flashes went off. "What was that?" You all look around.

"People are taking pictures of us...how rude. Can't we just enjoy lunch." Momo looked annoyed.

"Hey! That's Hawks' daughter!" Someone yelled.

"Oh no.." before you knew it your table was surrounded by people shoving their camera in your face taking pictures. "Please, I'm just trying to have lunch." They ignored you and asked you a million questions. Someone grabbed the back of your chair and pulled you out, away from the table. The press surrounded you completely. You couldn't breathe.

"Excuse me!!" Tenya called making everyone stop. "Please leave that young lady alone! This is not a press conference!" Izuku squeezed in the circle and grabbed your hand. You looked at him panicked trying to get your breathing back to normal. He just nodded and pulled you away from the crowd as Tenya continued to scold them. The girls now surrounded you as they grabbed the rest of their food and you all walked off.

"T-thanks guys." Your cheeks blushed. "I hate crowds."

"We know." Tenya smiled as he patted your back. "Come on. It's a little early but let's see if your dress is ready so we can get out of here." Mina smiled and you nod.

"Just in time. Can you try it on one last time?" The tailor handed you the dress. You go to the changing room and put it on. Smiling at how elegant you looked. "Come out and let me see!" She called. The group cheered, even Tenya and Izuku stayed in the shop.

You stepped out and gave them a twirl. "Stunning." Tenya said as he gave you a thumbs up.

"Your gonna be the most beautiful girl there (F/n)." Momo smiled as her eyes sparkled.

"Oh, wait. I recognize you! You're Umiko?" You nod.

"That's my hero name. Yes."

"Hey! Drax! Come see who's here!" She called out. After a minuet a small blonde haired boy in a cast came out.

"Miss Umiko!" He hobbled to you and gave you a big one arms hug. You knelt down and hugged him back.

"Hey! How are you? How's the arm?" He showed you all the signatures on it.

"I can't thank you enough for saving him and all of his friends." The tailor smiled and shook your hand.

"It's nothing ma'am. It's part of the job." Your cheeks blush as the group looked at you impressed.

"You saved his life. Id say that's more than nothing. Please, just take the dress."

"Oh I couldn't do that!"

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