Chapter 19: Finishing The Plan

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"Bird, I'll need your help with my plan," Alice said.

"Oh goody," I smiled.

"Oh come on," Alice begged.

"What do you need me to do," I groaned.

"You'll see," Alice smiled. Why do I have a bad feeling about this.

"Because you should," Edward smirked.

"I hope your not to attached to that shirt," Alice smirked.

"Something tells me I don't like this plan," I muttered.

"That something is right," Edward laughed. I suddenly gaze Edward a hug. "I'm being attacked!" He yelled. I laughed and dropped down.

"Thank you," I said.

"For what?" He asked.

"Don't ask Eddie, just everything," I smiled. Alice theb grabbed my arm and we drove really fast to the hotel.

"I have a bad feeling about this," I said.

"Shirt," Alice demanded.

I gave her a funny look.

"Oh come on a strip it's just me," Alice moaned.

"What is up with people and wanting my shirt today," I mumbled. I peeled my new shirt off and handed it to alice. She pulled out a blood bag I once again have no clue were from and stained the back of the shirt.

"Well that's a waist of a shirt," I said. Then she handed my Jasper's sweatshirt she had asked for earlier to put on. I raised an eyebrow but pulled it over the now sticky wet bloodstained shirt. I moaned and felt my skin get all wet and sticky. Alice tugged my hand and I tripped out of the car. She pulled me inside and we walkdd up to the desk.

Third Person PoV
Just cause its easier

The two walked in and the woman at the desk gaped at them. She had never seen two girls cuter. And two teens, all alone, with no parental supervision. One had bright red hair and a light dusting of freckles. Her smile was so sweet and innocent it melted your heart. The other was a little pixie of a girl with dark hair, a bangle watch and way to big sweatshirt. The other girl obviously had her boyfriends sweatshirt on as it came down to her upper thigh. The woman at the desk cleared her throat.

"Hey dears, what is it you need," The woman said. She kept on think, why were these two teens making her so, sweaty, or flirty, in love feeling.

"We need two rooms," Alice said.

"Yeah, please," Bird added politely.

"Okay dears," the woman at the desk said. She started scribbling down stuff for there rooms. Why were two obviously taken teens so alluring to her. Probably because one was a vampire and the other was just cute as a button.

"Your clock is fast," Alice said. Then she 'fixed it'.

"Thank you dear, now here are your room keys," The woman said.

Bird's PoV

I giggled as we walkdd upstairs.

"Now what Al," I asked.

"You and Bella fall down the stairs," Alice snickered. She wrapped herself protectively around me then rolled down the stairs, smashing a window and then pouring a blodd bag over everything. Then she pulled Jasper's sweatshirt off an unsuspecting me then she pinched me. It usually wouldn't have hurt to bad but it was near my broken rib and I screamed in agony. Alice suddenly screamed to.

"Oh Bella, Bella, Bird, oh my God, Edward you take Bella, I'll get Bird!" I she yelled hysterically. The woman who was admiring us at the desk came over and screamed and helped me up. Alice leaned me against her and I moaned in only half fake agony. Alice helped me limp outside and into a rental vehicle. She then poured blood bags all through the base of the vehicle. I raised my eyebrows at her and held my soar side as I sat down.

"Do I get to go back to my worried boyfriend now?" I asked with a groan.

"Nope," Alice said with a sweet smile. I moaned and she took the old car and we drove to the cleaners.

"Be careful, my nephew puked in the back, tomato soup, big stink," Alice told the sweet guy who was cleaning it for us. While he cleaned it Alice dragged me to shopping. She bought me a whole suitcase full of new clothes and everybody got something. When we got back she thanked the man and we left the vehicle at the hospital. Then we got the new car and took it to a do it your self car wash and we cleaned it. Not bad but not good enough not to get noticed and feed for. She smiled and she finally drove me back to the hospital. Jasper was waiting for me with an over sized sweatshirt and sun glasses. I smiled and jumped happily into his arms. He spun me around extra gently and I kissed him on the nose. He laughed and then shriveled his nose like I smelled bad.

"Oh, sorry Jazz, Alice felt the need to douse me in blood for her little play," I took a few steps back so it wasn't bad for him.

"Oh, it's fine, I just wasn't expecting that mixed with the smell of cleaning products and clothing store," Jasper laughed. He raised his eyebrows and I waved a hand.

"Long story," I giggled.

"Your mom is inside looking for you. She freaked out when they said they didn't have you under lock and key like Bella," Jasper frowned. He kissed me for a second then intertwined our hands and led me to Bella's room. Mom sat by her rubbing her hand sadly. Then she saw me.

"Oh Birdy! Are you alright, they said when you came you didn't look like you had a scratch on you, other than a twisted ankle, fractured rib, and a few stitches. But you have a tendency to not tell people if you are hurt so. Are you alright," Mom said.

"I'm fine, just a couple scratches," I smiled.

"Let me see your back," mom demanded.

"Mom," I said in a begging tone.

"Now," my mom sighed. I pulled up the back of my shirt and she gasped. She ran her fingers along the jagged lines of the scars then looked at Jasper.

"Thank you for taking her to me Jasper. He really is a nice boy isn't he," my mom whispered that last part to me. I cracked a smile, knowing he could hear her.

"I think I love him mom," I choked. I caught his slight smile.

"Well he certainly loves you from what I can tell," mom smiled. I let out a littke giggle then turned back to my mom.

"Do you like him?" I asked.

"He is a wonderful young man," My mom smiled. "And I think he wants to spend time with you so go go go!" My mom said. I giggled abd scurried over to Jasper. He laughed and grabbed my hand. He led me out and we both smiled at each other. Man did I love that guy.

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