Chapter Forty-eight: The Season of Sacrifice

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"I've been putting sorrow on the furthest place on my shelf."

-Aurora, Runaway

There were lots of things that surprised Ember. When cold rain had fallen from the sky she was mesmerized. When Draco had decided to teach her about Hogwarts when he had no inclination to. When the golden trio against all odds had decided to trust them. But it came as no surprise to find Lucius waiting for them in the musty room of the Shrieking Shack. She was slightly confused as to how exactly the man knew to meet the Dark Lord there, but she chalked it up to one of those strange communications from the dark mark that she had never quite understood. That, and the fact that she simply no longer cared.

Her spirits were at an all-time low; possibly hovering around her aura but not to be grasped. She felt as if she was drifting around events being entirely un-useful yet punishable all the same. She wondered if it would ever end, this misery.

She was kept besides Nagini, who was now curiously floating in a transfixing protectively enchanted orb. She glanced over at the snake to realize that it was already glancing at her as if she would be its next meal, which she might be. It wouldn't be beneath Voldemort to let one pet eat the other.

Lucius, the fallen fool, had aimed his pleading eyes at her. "Ember, please...have you seen Draco?"

She stared at him incredulously. She knew better than to answer that and, more importantly, he should know that she hadn't seen her husband in days now, though it seemed an eternity. She would have left it at that but, no, it was strange the way Lucius was looking over at them, and it was only then that she could see that in his own way he had showed his own hand. If he got Draco, he would disappear from this battle all together. She couldn't decide if that would show bravery or cowardice. Finally putting your son above your cause, only to run away from confrontation was no bravery at all.

Voldemort actually rolled his eyes at the plea. "We know that your son is not dead Lucius. We have grand assurance of that." He waved a hand at Ember. "If he is injured it's no fault but his own."

"My Lord," Lucius said stuttering only a little, his hands clasped awkwardly. "Forgive me, but are you not afraid that Potter could die by another's hand? Why not call off this attack and solely search for the boy?"

"Don't pretend that I do not know your suggestion is purely to discover what has become of Draco. As I've told you before, the boy will seek me out by the end of the night." Voldemort paused, trailing his lithe fingers over the Elder wand. "Go and fetch Snape. It seems that I require his assistance."

Lucius gulped and nodded. He cast one more glance at his exhausted daughter in-law and disaparated.

"Lovely setting isn't it Enigma?" Voldemort stated casually walking about the room.

Ember glanced around the room. It looked as if one deep sigh would collapse the whole thing on top of them. Broken, dust colleting, furniture was scattered about the room they occupied. The floorboards were half missing and the wall that connected them to the hallway had several large holes in it; large enough that Ember could see the into the hallway. "I suppose." She answered as steadily as she could manage.

"Did Blaine ever allow you to have pets?"

Ember decided that small-talk Voldemort was much more disconcerting than when Voldemort was silent.

"No, My Lord." Not that I would remember if he had, she thought mildly. She had to remind herself that somehow Voldemort was not made aware of the brutal treatment her father had given her mind.

He carefully looked into the floating orb that caged Nagini. "There was a time where she was my only friend."

She found it hard to believe that he ever had another friend except for Nagini- and Bellatrix. "All the more reason to protect her sir." She responded evenly. She couldn't chance inviting his rage against her in this state, but she also struggled to find the will to care.

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