Chapter Forty-seven: Where Things Started Going Right

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"So much of my life is outta control; feeling like there's no way out. I'm buried alive so deep in this hole; feeling like there's no way out."

-Cobi, No Way Out

The remaining three of them, plus Bill and Fleur, Fred and George, a man named John Locksenberg (a friend from Bill's year at Hogwarts), and Oliver Wood landed outside the path of Hogsmeade near the Shrieking Shack. Instantaneously, the loud jarring cackles of bells sounded from around them.

All of them ducked and quickly fled down the path towards the Hogs Head. "I thought the curfew wasn't until after six now," Hermione panted.

"Obviously, the upped the security since the last time." Draco reasoned as Oliver glared at him from over his shoulder. "What Wood?" Draco seethed, entirely done with people coming in to the stabilized group and doubting him. "I haven't been a Death Eater for over half a year; it doesn't mean I can't still think like one." He hissed, snapping like a tiny dog pushed over the edge.

Oliver Wood, along with Locksenberg and the twins had reached Shell Cottage early that morning and had immediately given Draco a hard time. Rivalry was always strong when it concerned Oliver, especially since Slytherin was his cold-blooded Quidditch rival and he had a special distaste for the Malfoy's since Lucius had gifted the Slytherin team with nimbus 2001's all those years ago. Draco did his best to ignore the Scotsman, but found that his patience was wearing extremely thin.

"Shut up." Harry demanded as the group skidded against the brick wall one alley over from the Hogs Head. Bill looked around the corner to see a couple of Death Eaters scavenging around, demanding to know who had set off the alarm.

Bill held his hand up in the signal to wait as he saw the pair dip closer towards Madame Rosmerta's, then ushered them forward around the corner. The group traveled stealthily enough until they got to the back door of the Hogs Head and slipped inside.

Aberforth was waiting for them. The inn had been closed indefinitely, as had most of the shops of Hogsmeade. The curtains remained perpetually closed, the only light being small candles strewn about.

"Alright," Harry announced once they had all piled in, looking over to Draco who was making sure that the hood of his borrowed cloak was hiding his recognizable blonde locks. "You sure you're up for this? One of us could go with you."

Draco held his hand up placatingly. "I've got it. You take out as many of them as you can here. Leave the Carrows to me. The signal is red sparks over the Astronomy tower."

"We're sure that you can apparate there?" George inquired.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Well, if I can't I'll just end up here or turned to the dust of atoms."

George's eyes widened at the self-deprecating humor and looked to Fred from the corner of his eyes. The twins shared an amused telepathic conversation as Fleur spoke to Draco softly. "Be careful."

He strangely found his lip inch up into a short smile and with one last look at Harry, Draco disaparated.

Coincidentally enough, it could not have been five minutes after Draco's departure that a rough looking Ron landed in a heap on the inn's floor. His red hair was matted against his sweaty forehead, his face ashen, eyes unfocused.

"Oh my god, Ron? Ron!" Hermione exclaimed, clambering down to the ground next to him.

Everyone circled around their returned member, no one noticing the sound of the curfew alarm blaring once more. Bill patted the twins on the back as the three of them smiled down at their baby brother, grateful that he was alive.

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